Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 216, 5 May 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

6eldom have bane and antid <te | in the bislory of the unscrupulous jour:isUsra of Honolulu annexationi«ts fo!low»*d eaeh other so ; quickly as in the following instance. i Wednesday tvemng, the Star , contained an editorial on the | historv of the uprisin*r of January 17th, evidently written by one whosc rnental and m<*ral fibre had heen so far sapped by the hallueinations boro of the chronic morbid paludisra ,»f the annexition party that even the memory of the statement whieh appeared m that journal’s erratically—muddled columns on Mondty evening, that “the United States had «eized tbese ielanda” had disappeared. In the article. after vainly endeavoring to disprove our plain etatement of facts that Minieter Stevena had recognized the P. G., and suppt rted it with the troops under his comrnand, before the Queen’9 government had surrendered under pr<)test to the United States, occurs the following remarkabie aenlenee: “Now as a matter of fact, the American eailors were merely lauded, as they had heen in times past, to protect American property.” By the mail of ye»terday morn ing. arrived the eopiea of the Examiner of the 14th Apnl, whieh contaius the following remark. Btated by that paper to have heen made by Commi8sioner Blount on the oeeaaion of the restoralion of the Hawaiian tiag on April lst. to the effect “ the landing of the Bo9ton’s troops to protect lives and property in Honolulu, etruck him in the light of a huge joke.” AVhat more eauelie and cutting refutation of the Star's editorial jumble, ean be conceived? Me leave the di9tinguished marine hoepilal famed medico to liis own retlections(ifhe has any ). We have no desire to give him any greater puniehmenl.

Mr. Chas«. L. Carter'9 scheme to flood the country with southero negroes ia looked uiKin with horror by friendi of Hawaii in the State9. \Ve puhlieh & letter written by a Iady. re9 ; .dmg in Mi93ouri who voices the 9entiment of every true woman in the world, to a friend in Honolulu on this subject. and we do not beheve that she draw9 the picture of our future with negroe9 blacker than facts and truth warrant: “Chas, Carter is ab'gger fool than Thomp9on’s co!t to think that he ean introduce niggers from the South to perfortn the work that the ehineae, and iapaneee are now doing. Why, he does not under9tand the nature ot the colored pupulalion in the South? They are nothing but mule». Youcan’t make them work. unles9 you stand over tbem with a whip. They are wicked, de9igning, crafty, and full of ignorance. and perfectly devoid of the talent, industrv. and euterpr.9e. that the and Japs are endowed with. The odor that comes from their lK->die9 will scent a whole house. I would be afraid of mv lifetolive upon the sam« plantation withthem. I am not an advoeale of slavery, but I don’t think the Lord ever intcnded such a case ae the American negro should live wiih white people. They are only one step Mok the tnonkt y. I would rather have a iforilIa around niv apartmenl9 than a negro, for I should not have to use quite so

mueh rr,liygne to counteract his odr. Now you may think Iam using very strong language but, for God’s ?ake. if you snaw when vou are well off. keep that race awav from your Par9d=ee. Just ao ! 9ure e« they are introducted : vour people there will bebloodshed. You can‘t trust them. They are thieves and murderers and every- | thing tbat is bad. Our papers are i full every day of outrages commit1 ted not only by nigger men but by i the women. Two big mgger wenehea in St. Louis held up a man la?t week on Locust St. and robbed him of everyth»ng that he had. A nigger man took a little white g'.rl twelve years old into a luu»ber yard, and kept her all night and ?he has sini-e died. He cannot be found. Iam more afraid of one nigger īhan I would be of an arniy of devi!s. Uon't let them eome to your islands even if you ean get them for nothiug. We would like to clear our country of Southern nigger but it ean'l be done. We have lots of good mtelligent, civilized, colored people as g-»od as while, in the Eastern and Nrrthern States, but they are worse than hogs in ihe Soulh —and that is where Carter has gone for them.

Itmay be that thereĪ9 morethan one New York World or it may be that there exists a special issue of that journal for the use of the P. C. Advertiser, and the Star. Both theee two truthful eheete are in extacy because, as they elaim, the World at last has joined the annexalion party and has condemned Cleveland and BIount for the withdrawal of the protectorate. They paners don’t tell ue un what date the WorId committed this remarkahle somersault, but in the New York World of the 19th of April th« following editorial appears, whieh certainly doean’t indicate that the alleged acrobatic l'eat has been committed up to that date.