Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 219, 10 May 1893 — CLEVELAND CHECKS IMPERIALISM. [ARTICLE]


The action of the Cleveland adminiBtration in Hawaii will be indorsed bv all who have not repudiat«d the pnneiplee of liberty and justice. Mr. Cleveland ha« refused to believe the tran«parent lie that the plantera «nd their associatea in Honolulu are the peopleof Hawaii. He haa refuaed to allow them the further useof the American tiae in their eehemea of fraud and usurpation. Nothing less was to have been' expected from an honest man and a patriotic Amer ean. Mr. C!eveland has justitied the ezpectations of those who looked to him as th® euardian of our Democratic tr.iditions, as the frienda of liberty—of liberty of weaker peoples ag well as of our own. We could have gejz*»d theee island8 without difficulty. The {>eople have few anm, and even if 1 well armed they could do nothing i against our immense res urces, Germany «ud England w<>uld have heen giad to see ue comm : t ?neh a crime. as they could then exi»< t our eounlenanee in simiiar < rnnrs that they nre contemplating. N - thmg stood in the wav oftuii r<<l>O - hery as nothing stood in the wa y of the dismembermeut of Poiami. That comparison must be m lified. however, for in this case Ther<* 9t<x>d between Ameiiea. and e liomieaion of thia gr-.»t ‘rime <■>{ opj>r<s~ioo l*;- Amem.ai. love of Iib a rty and tbe honesty of purpose of 1;!« A'iie' ■* oeople r .‘,>P ?<*nted by Grov- r Cieve!and. He h:ts d<>ne so weli t ; ut all who feared lh*t even hi- honesty had been sbaken by the d.-:n .nd for annexat' > <re now ashau.cd that they evor -urpeded huu : s lon weik - Mr. Clc. • <l’s act • t: :- ca»e is deeply signifi . mt. I - <ws that he u, ai ■» to opp< —■ i- >:. >.o influence U>the polic> <<f - k.ug to acquire terr Wnal or o;her ad▼antage at the eipeo-- of our weaker iu.i 0 ..bjr9. Thedaut,<.r had beoom< immioenl that the gigantic itreng;h <>l f* - great Republic was to be used for oppre*sion—for such oppression au the world had not »een »ince Kome liell throogh the ineo'.enee of iU own rapacity. We were Leen

unred on to a policy ofimp«ri*l»m tbat wouKl hare rendered impo*sil' * the («erpetuation of Democr*cy m the l':nted State» »nd wou.a h*re deeti\»yeu the hopee of libvTty in the \Ve«tern Hemisphere. w >u!d have become a terrv>r rather than a help U» our «reaker neighb*»ra. and the freedom of our owu people would have heen extineuiahed by & long eerit-a of wara ct conqu»'#t. When Commi9#ioner B!ount took ihe of the l nited St;»tee from the hand« of lb® Hawaiian cor.spirator*. >t meani that lhere ia an American I>em«»crat in the White Houae an»l that he is oyal to the principlee of American I>emcKtacy. (St. Lot is Rkitbi.iv).