Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 235, 5 June 1893 — BLOUNT. STEV NS AND THE LFAG. [ARTICLE]


Whiie eateemed contemporariea, not who!ly free from Hepuhiiean predilections, have been first predicting and then assuming the failure of Mr. Blount’s miaaion to Honolulu, thia melancholv eonviction has not been shared by President Cleveiand and hia asaociates in the federal administration. Mr. Hlount ha? done so well that he haa been authorized to do even better if possible, by l»eing made , regular minister of the United 8tates while Mr. Stevens is allowed t-> return home. Or, to put the case in words the contemporaries themselves m ght prefer, the man who h&uied up the tiag has bten dismissed, while the man who hauled down the tl.»g, has beeu honored and officia!ly pmmoieH^ I We mav be sure that this could j have happened, under any party, if the of whatever party, believed th*t the flag K8* moraiIy exaited by putting it where it did not belong, or had be«n d!sgraced by remoral from a plaee in whieh it had no hueine?* to be. Minister Blount haa fuifllled wiih energy. dignity, akill and tact, his apeeial miaaion. At every atep he haa conformed to hia inatroctioos *nd haa repreaented hia government and the people who ere repreaented in torn by tbe administration. He haa not decided end haa not preteoded to decide whether the Sandwhich ialende ahall or ahell oot be annexed to the United Stetee. We do noi beiiere that if a direct vote

eouki be uken ou the que«tu>n the people of this counlry wouM dec!are in favor of ihe irqu rition; or th:»t the people **f the olher c»>antry. ii* c»nsftlted in a hke way, would favor the But even if this is a miaUike it i? at ctrt-»iu th.it the ni.'iu- of neither popular partv t>* ihe pn>p*>sevi treaty in regerd to the ni.ttter have be«n *scert iit>ed. If ine i'pinion of b»>th ?h»uld by ami bv ineline t*> approve the ha«tily pu?hevl but now su?;ei!>h*l me.sure, nothmg tnat Min>ter Hh»unt ’naa done will help »>r hinder a decisi«n. Ti»e subj ct i? iu j reserve and wh »tever mav l>e »lone > m the pre»nisf5> ean n«>w i>e done* delibtrately and iu order. ( Rrooklyn Knylf.)