Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 238, 8 June 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HAWAII HOLOHUA. I3sue<l Pa»ly an»i Weekly in Hawaiian aml English. The Lea«lii>« jonmal of Ihe d iv, ae U fearh*aslv anJ fair y «iiaeunaee all l*oUtiral an.l Sooial Topica wiih a view to the progress aml indet«endence ol Hawaii nei. Orric« —Br«*niji Block ap?tair» For eale at the HAWAllAN NEW3CO ONE Certificate of shares in the Pioneer Building anel I.oan As8ociation munbere«i 122 to Jo-enb A«adated 7th July. 1890. for 5 ?harea. Tbe finder will be rewarded on returning to this Office, Ifit is not returned then a New ('ertificate will be i«aued and the former certificate hereby adverti»e«l ia made of no avail and all per3ons , are hereby cautloned against ne- , goiiating it. PCAA! PUAAll PUAA!!f E loaa no na Puaa liihi i kupono no ke kalua ana no ka la 11 olune, a no kekahi manawa eae paha. Oluolu ke kumukuai. Ma ke Kahua Hanai Puaa, Alanui Moi, ma Waikiki. e loaa ai. a i ole ia, e ninau ma ka halekuai waiona o Macfarlane 6c Co. i* N( )TICK e. W. M.i« FARLA.NE. 2t9d-jonS.