Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 268, 26 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Govekni>i< MrKiM.EYof OIim recenl'y had to g > into bankruptcy after havlng f r a !ifetirne (><>sed | ap one <>f the moBt prominent aml alile i*oliticiaii9 in the United Etafes. Secretary H >>ter *>f the TreuBury al the h**ad of the finaneial :dl iirs of the rat ; on during Harrison’B admini8tration, found at its ei se his finv.il - «ffiirs s> in- . vo!v*d that he hom, int * h if*eless j b;>nkru;»tcy with !i ibilities of -t6W,- j 000. B<>th «>f these gentlemtn were big!i in the eouneile <*f the Republioan j>artv. Had the ne\v?|)auers representing (he opposing Democrutic party b<*en ron by. or liad they catered t<> a secti<m <>f the Amenean pnhlie like llie u!leg**d Amencans ninning nr Buppnrting t!ie Slar aml Advertiser here, what h hyena howl of hideuns joy wnu!d bave been ruiscd over the nrivate misfortunes of (hese fH>iitic il giants, hnd what a criticism they would liave uif*de on their ability to eondnct pnhlie affairs. To ehow \vhnt is trne A mepienn (•enlimenl in these m-itters —naniely that <-f syni[>athy \vith a privateIy nnlortunnte opj>onent when i |K.btic*illv def-at<-d —we m : ghlBĪm- I jdy menlion, besides th<* fi*reg<-ing, ! llie feelmg and aelion expressed in | the eaae <>f tiie Duke of VeragiiH, ! hankn<pt, while the h»nnred sjiecially iiivit«-d guest of the AnieriC*n milion, ns re;n>rt <1 in the St:r it«elf a few days ago. Did the American j r*-ss or j>etij>le then go into ghonlish r*jitnre over th«t unfortnnate gentleni:in’s condition? Kever ainee the I7th of January have the al eged Americ»n «nd aotually nnnexation press and people here showed themse!v<*s so utterly out-of-t»uch-witlj ami rej>ug»\atit to genuinely American feel- ' ings and aelion hb they huve in the matter uf the r*-ports on tl.e propost*d hankruptcyof the Hou. Sam. l*arker. We ought perh«j)s to re joice that they have caus>d an alnxist Muversal cry »f re|ir<>bation «g«iiiBt them for their c>>arse taunts. inmiend<>es and eomme- ts, but we J«*el sorry th«t it has had to be tt llie exj>eiise of the jirivate feelings of « gent!eni«n who has always, iu whatever station ol life, be\*n absolulely Oourteous and cons:derate to «11 —ot whatever J*arty, race, or eoiineelion —who eame in eonlael with iiim. But we need n<»t go to America e*clusively to point «»ut lhatsupreniac>’ or su|ieriority m politics do not alwsys go hand in hand with auccesBfuī conduot < f j>rivnte busincst> or tbat asuccessful tradesman, a jH*ltv shopkeej>er, an excellent tinsīuith «>r a wealthy pawnbn>ker do not always, however estimahle in j>riv«te !ife. or expert in man«ging their own infinitesimal eoncen\s, make the best and most successful men in conducting the busineea of a nalion. In England. io ils j>«lniy dayf of great statesmen, the nat’on rej>eat«ilv paid thedebts of PiU, Fox, Bourke and others, whilo continualIy sul>sidisiug them ae weii. In New S>uth Waiee two • ucce*siTe Premiers, Sir Henry Parker. the late Premier, and Sir George Dibbs, the presentone, have been made bankrupt not when out of office, but when holding the reins of j>ower. In Germany the emperor has bad to eub«idise Caprivi as hia grandfatber, the late Emperor did. h smarok «nd Von Moltke. Iq France, during the preeent Republie, the same thing bas been done for iU Presidentt to s.ive thelr >errices to the nalion. In lact not a couutry perhapt eau be meutiooed

where, amongst the most prominently ahle and v.iluabie men in p.>litics and national atfair«, are to | h*- fouo<i thoee. wh»9<? ability being j sj>ent for the welfare of ihe nalion, 1 leaves no time > r thought for their private affaira. But a truce to parallel3. let us de5cend t > Ihe pract’.cal haai® at j the foundation ofall this ungentle- | maniy and malicious c<>mrae:it and mvective of the St.ir and Adver-tis«.-r. Mr. Parker s afftirs haviag, like others.suff-red fr>>m the finan- ‘ ci.il crisis in<iuced by the s»able (?) j i r»volul.on B*apported hy tiie Star j aud Advertiser,he has not heen in a l»>sition t» reaiize ready m<>nty lo piy comjiarativeIy 9|>eaking minor debts. Kn>>w!edge <>f this has induce.l - >:ue >>f Ihe īn-*nner sp ; nted a>id n;ore petti!y spiteful «>f his ji»lj ilieal opponepia to bnng suil ' against hnn t» immediateiy pay c»miiarative!y tr.fi ng 9ums, after havi;>g iii nle prop»sitior>9 to him not t» ra»le8t or annoy him if he woukl onlv h i3>»v desert his S >vere:g>\ ai;d his raceand oj>enly j»in I the :miiex.tion cr>w<l. Having • ect>riifally rejectedsuch a biseactof ; j treaoh< ry the persecutiou began. And now ihe Star and Advertis*r, to keep il up, talk about twenty cents on the dol!ar realiz ition fiom | an estate on whieh their own over- i estimated «!Ieged claims only I amount to about fiftv per cent of | what theStar itself pub! sned a Mttle while ago j>ays taxes <>n an assess- j ed V;> lualionof ab>)tit lōOO.OOO. But j circum8tances are eueh that we ean ? see if the policy of p»litīcal perse- ! eulion is carried out in t!ie present j 9tagnation caused by the P.G., its origih and its actions, that the small creditors wili not receive a d >llar, f»r the whole nct results will be swallowed up by the mortg'g*es | and the petty soiteof the morbific. \ h'ieilli wiil, while injuring a man who has ii.jnred no one, recoil on j lhems>-ive3 in theteiui rest port:»n ■ <>f theīr miBsionary anatomy —their j»>ckets. And tlien they wiil g<> j r»und and teach e«.lit»rs S-nith aml J»hi>8t >ne bow t» run their papers in f :tur * with possibIy aiittle more Amer;e.ui style a i;d a good deal n>or«* of Americ;in brains<ind heart.