Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 268, 26 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Tiie Star of the 22ml inst. Hjs reprinted :in interview betwt-en the Rr:r. H. W. Peon, lste Secrelary <»f : the Honolulu Y. M. C. A., and a : representative <>f the \ «nc >uver C)lumbian. Mr, Peek, it will be remembered, wi«s a etrong supp«r-t-r of the P. (i. and put himseif to the trouble d'iring the revolulion, of every mg it carrying a ritie, and througn his unfamiliarity with that inslrument actually endangering hia life and making his family tremble for his s«fety. We are n t giingto discus3 the general criticism of the reverend gentleman in r<»garil l) the m )narchical governme il here. If we r**member nghtly the reverend gentleman was very willmg to make his h >me, free of rent, in an iri9titution belonging t<» ; the g aud at the head of w.iien some cl>>se re!ation of his w.is p!aced, and where he wa* left undisturb -d in spite <»f hi* w*iikaown tra:t >roas sentiments towards the Queeu and ber g»vernment, but tnere is one p*rt of the intervie-v to whieh we will eall general atteution. and lh»t i* wnen he says to the Columbian reporter: “Vou have had the whole particulars of Ihe troubie. but thtre ica» one point enne/aleā frorn the gorern~ menl of the United State». Had ihe marine* not heen la mled from the winhip B)»ton. the revolution tcould n ot hare taken plaee when it did, but it was bound to have eome lower.’ The reverend Peek *peak* the trata io that iuālanee, and his evidence tends to ahow how slrong our cause is aud how, even in tbecamp uf the raukest anneiationists. it i* fully and completely admilted that tne suocess of ihe msurgents on the I7lh uf January det»ended absoluteIy on tbe iliegai, unw*rranted and, lo «11 int«rnalional law. ootrageoua laoding of tbe marine* from the U.

S. S. B*'x»ton. Thit thi« ūct h»s b?en (lemon?tratcd in a <*f!ic:ently plain miuner t*> the t'. S. Coramis- ■ ooerto Hawaiī weare«ell aware; ( that this f«ct has heen pr>ven bet Tond doubt t« ihe governtneul of the l'nited States we kn->w, and that the t>>p!e of tn;>l <n«t Rep iblic to-diy are 8iti§fi->d thit th» * hilherto hon>red name of their , great ov*nntry ha» beeu draggeil in the dirt and dishonored through the action referr-d t*, by th - man \rho occut*ied the hithert* and s n.ce honored and trw'teti |> s ti >n >*f repr*-senti:.c thera ;u th ->e 's> ands is t *d»v heyoi I d<*ibt. hnt i sti II we feel bound t-« s:t ike hutids j with the pars«*n and exprcss onr thank§ f>r the testiraonv of the Rev. M. W. Peek.