Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 270, 29 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

C<>nsii)ku\bi.k eommolion haa koen c;ui8ed in the States over the •dleged encounter between the U S. S. Mohiean and the sealer ‘ i Alexai’.d«jr” whieh eaile under HaVaiian flag. The report waa that Ihe Mohiean had attempted to lntercept the Alexander and that *hots were exchanged the result of whieh was the di9abling of the Wohiean and the eeeape of the Ale*ander, An inve8t>gatioo of Ihe matler more e9j>ecially of the dateof tae aileged encounter proves t<> the eati«faction of the ifavydej>artment lhat theaffairi8 simply • canard with no truth in it whatcver. Cantain Hughe8 Hallei of H. M. S. Garnet emphatically denies tiie tr>ito of tbe matter and ,«s hie ehip bas been togetber with Ihe Mohiean at the time when the CnC»unter w*s said to have taken plaee. he is of course in a p<«ition ,|o know what he is talking about. How by the w.iy does the Alex•nder eome to eail under Hawaiian £dg. An inveatigatioo by Mr. Dole vould be in order. and if necessary ibe pasaage of some new iaw. If f irate9 or thieving sealers shoald «et i»to their heada to aail under tbe Hawaiian fl->g and do their BIegil h.iaineaa under oor colora • |?esides whipuing the U.S. warships *ro might get iuto eueh endlesa trouble that even Mr. Dole's pet A * Csne-matler wili emk into a eomparatirc oblivion.