Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 276, 4 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

, i \\‘i >*ave never s*-en aiiything j morn orpre«edented in the line of j ur: alif;n thht the repeated at.d c»n»t ir.t Httack* bv the cur. who is rv*y r.p hle f»r the P. C. Advertiscr on Mr. Kamuel Parker. Il has cever heen the oustotn here to puhiiah or pry into the private »fT< r- >f <*ny private citizen, and w’ien we r<meniher that the scurrilons ilt cks in the Advertissr are m.ide l>y a man who has heen hauied through the bankruotcy courts of the c<>untry and wh<>se creditors were then glad to write cfī their claims tor ihe pmalleel percentage whieh perbaps ever has been off-red here, we »re astounded to daily noliee the cowardice and ▼ulgarity whieh that apology for a E'.an dars to display io his insinualionp aud malicious reporti ot Mr. Parker’s private affurs.