Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 32, 5 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

“The right and power of the Provisional Government to eolleel Jaxea has been formally racognized in the pavmenta made by Claus I Spreckela. W. O. irwia, C. B. Wil- { son, J. O. Carter, Geo. W. Macfarlane, F. W. Macfarlane. J. A. Cummina, Meaan. Spauldmg, Gifiard and Reynolda. Carry ihe newa to Nordhoffl” Tm 8tar mao (we had almost said baby) apoean to be in a stupor of amasement that anyone not abeolotely an annexasionist should pay taxea (o the Provisienal Govemment. Of ooune. such an idiotic view might be expected from one of tbe brain calibre of the Star writer, but aa we have always >tated our party believe in what is right, and aa we have adviaed and aa we «nd they have scknowledged that th« P. 6. n the government dt factc, we are bound to upbo!d it tn all ila rsgnlar acta when not abaolu(ely iliegal, and therefore more eapeeiaily aa we exnect tbe government to be Mtond to the Queen and ber k>rel adherenta, it ia neeeaa*ry that tbe eredii of the government and ita aolual existence be kepi iolnni, and in m good a atate of peuawwnAiMi and cxedit «s poaeible Uil that eveot oecora. Forthat reaeoa the Royaliata or k>yalūU, am naupetly have intte T. I»>< rw»eoa they \m liiwa Wji< > week or ao

a*o —90 that tbe good naooe of the Haaiiiio Gowrottwt mar be ppe*erv«d ioUe; nntil tfa« U. S. | , ooee more re*tore it to iU proper ruI*T9—tbe H*wai»n Queen and ! people. _