Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 281, 11 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Oi’R 5mpninive and erratic cun- i temporary (t<> put it mildly) the j Slar haa at last confe8sed the source ! >f >ts deviou? a”'I mu1ti-faceted cnurse. Iii an unu9ually abu«ive article on the edit>>r of our es«teemed contemporary Ka Leo, Mr. J.K. Bush, it admits with re( tihan tears “If memory holds its seat in thie distracted giobe.” Now we should never have likened the occiput of the differentiated epithet to a giobe believing it to resemb!e more in shape, a pumpkin (but noi only in ehape) whieh is somewh*t more ov»te and elliniieal than globular, but we certainly uiust agree with ■ • .. b< C.i we have slow!y but surely been Convinced that, that is the on!y possible description of the condition of affiirs in that cranium whieh produces such wonderfu!Iy diverse diurnai effects. And we further remark that there is room to doubt m>t onlv if memory hold its teat there, but if anything el»e doee.