Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 36, 2 September 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The Mcouw.«i briwg? very iitt!e new» rclat>ng U> Hawaiian rffa rs. I*nvatc adv>ces lr.*m W*shtogt n ; state th*t tbe w -rd Hawaii h>s ■ iot been he*r«l estijer in official or iii.<>ffici «I circles for the last m«mth. Tbe report of Mii«i«ler Biount eoulaina no recommendjlīor.9 <>f any kind, b>it i« eimply a plaīn staten.ent <»f facts a? he found tuera. He will make verb«i recomnr«endations in supplementing hi? re{K>rt. and upon these wi 1 be bHsed the future policy of the American adminietr*ti n in reg.ird to Htwaii. if it is dec!ded to f«»rm some kind of a pr«»tectorate it will be over a | form of g->vernment endorsed by the Hauaiiai) i>eopIe at the ballotbox whieh as we all are aware here , ean only mean one ihine —the rest«oration c.f the monarchy.