Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — The Bowen Case. [ARTICLE]

The Bowen Case.

'ir. J. P. Bowea it wi3 be reiuemb r».l, lcft t!ie Co«S room yestenl.‘iY rofu.- ;no to j.le to a cbarge ol )arcony preferre3 i nst iiiiu l»y J. £)<«{■ i, was arreste»l tbis morning ou ;i Bem ti warraut issued by J.nlge Hcl>crtson. Tbe WHi ninl was not . J for contenij\t of Conrt as st»teJ in last night's paperu. bot stuip!v j purpe.ses to bnng him befure th« , Jn.lgo to plea.l to tbe ebarge ag‘‘ust ii m. The case \ras eontiune»l tiil Fri\lay. Mr. C. W As':forJ appears for Jefeiulant. Mr. Low- u wlio isa well know» cttizen of nu>re tban ten vears resiclence was s«eu by a lloLO.vi * representative this afternoon ia reganl to tiie cnse uow pemliug aguinst Lim. Mr. Eeiwen st»teJ that tho cbarge brought agaiiisl hiui, \\iis an absoiute ontrnga. Ou tiie 31.st of Augnst. he said, his b ase of the premises occupied by him acljoining the Pantheou Saioon e\j)ired. aml he er. gaged four iueu (three foreigueis auel one Hiwaiian) to re>uove tbe ti\tures of the EnrOpean restani.mt froni the Psntheou j>remises. ihe>.- men .1 ’i.ng otlu īl\tarvi rerao\e<I a screeti-door froni an outhon.se, and it \vas t!iis <vhii - lj cansed tbe arrest of Mr B vwea upon a conij»Iaint of Mr. J. D< <1<L the jireseut Iessee of the Saloon. M hen Mr. Bovon aj»peare<l ;i Court, his attorney foun<3 tbat the specific chaige of larceny of Mr. Dodd’s property, had bee» »lterccl a churge of larcenv of tbe property of Mr. H. A Widemanu, an<l be tlierefore advised his client to leave the conrt. whieli Mr. Uowen imraediately <lid. i nat is all what there is to it, says Mr. Bowen, but he ad<l» that he is ready togo throngh a'l the conrts of the countrv to obtain re<lress aud justice.