Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — BROKE TWO RECORDS. [ARTICLE]


Directum Holds the Mark Now for Trottmg Stallions. Fieetwo<xl. Sept. 4.— Directum, “ the bi,ick wh'rldwiud from C'tlīfornia, to-day bro.-ce the world’s stallion record, beat all focr year-old 6gures and went ahead of dl mark> given to trotters as five year olds,aud onehalf of Lis mlle was the fastest ever trotted by any horse on auy traek. He was eutered to start against the world’s stal!īon reconl of *2;07‘, made ou a kite track by Rtambonl; the record of 2:0G ! t . made last Thursday by Nancy Hunks an i the world s record of 2:04. made by the same mare. lf he bx - oko tlie traek recoi\l he was to get a pnrse of ?Ō000. Wh* n be started away, Directum was followed by a running horse. Tbe black stallion fairly li-w to the qunrter iu •.‘}0 ! , and the journey to tuo Lalf was all down hill, thor.gh it bad one turn, and it w»s passed iu 1:00J. Then Kelly urged tbe black stallion with all his skill. He passed the tliree-quarters in 1:32, uud »s he did so. the runuiug raate Was moved up auotlier peg. Turuing inlo the stretcii Kelly bcgan slappiug the rec>>rd breaker w:th tbe re ns. The horse was pretty well winded. but continued on iiie juiirnev at a fast and even paee. Thirtv yards from the wire, h wev*-r, ht appeured to be all ti rough, aml di*sp:te Kel!y’a s!aps be tired to a walk as the watches eiiekea ou tl»e miie in 2:071. There was another record broken to-day, wlien Pascal, a blackgelding, stepped five miles in 12 miuutes and 45 seconds. This cats 15 seconds oti’ the best previous record, whieh was held by L idy Mae, who.se mark was 13 minutes gained on a track in California as far back as 1874.