Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

£»fnfra\ Theo. P. Severiv. A.W, EoU'Ter. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 NrrANC Street, H< soLrLr, (Oppo. Oneen Enima Halii. \'iews ot' tli0 Island Const*ui!ly oa Hau<t, snch as Xatives >]aki&g Po*, Gras' Hons s Hulahula Daucrrs, Cocoanul Groves >trset Vie*s aud Hawaiiaa -tvle Hidinsf Bnildiugs. l'aim and Date llrovts \\ ar Ve9Sek. Sbipping and Manue Vicws. Alao, a ljirge CoIIe<-t.ou of ali Promincnt *nd Ioteresting Views of the Hawaiiau Islauds eitiier nionuted er numonnted. Amatenr Wurk Solieited. P.O. Bos 4 ,l S. CITY MEAT WARKET Opno. Oaeeu Euiina Hnll. Establisbed 1883. JOS. T1NKER, FAMILY *va,BXJTCHER Mnkcr nf the Celehrated Cambridge Pork Sai;sag8 ! Try Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the Citv- and Suburbs. Mulual Telephone Number 289. Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoiee of the celebrated JOHN WEILA>’D EXTRA PALE LAGER Also, a Fresh Invoice of California Oysters —for0YSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. Aīichor Saloon, SOUTHEAST Corner of King & Nuuanu Sts. THE Finest Brands OF Wines & Liquors >3 q 5 H0T LUNCH DAILY From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. W. M. OI AMNOHAM M\xagek.