Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 22 September 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HawamHolomua PVBL1SHED EVEHY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUXDAV BY THE Holomua Publish,iiig Co. At King St (TLomas hloeki, H'inolulo, H I. SUBSCSIPTION, po" lionih, 50 Cts. Tke pap*>r js by Carricrs in the lowa anJ gubarb<. gingle Copie* f»r -ale at Uie Xews Deal*rs an<i at the Office of publieatioD. ABRAHAU FERHAHDSZ, - Manager EOUUHO NORR!E. - - Editor X OTICE. All Husitu>ss Commuricatious shonld be addressed to Abrutuim Feruaudez, UonoInlu, H. I. (k>rresjKiinleiice aud Commnuications lor i>ablicati>>n sbould bead>lressed to the Editor Hawiiii Holomua. No notice will be paid to any nnonymons eoinmu nications. Busiur$$ (Tard$ A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offioe: 113 Knalmiuann Streel, Honolulu Ilawaiian Islands. CHARLES CEEIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 KHnhnm.uin Street, Houolnln Hnwaiian Islauds, CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, VrTORNEY AND OOĪNSELLOR AT LAW. t*fflcc: OUl CajiitoI Buildinjt, (Honolnlu Hale), adjoining Post Office, Honoluln. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kanhnmana St», Honolula, Hawaiian Islamls. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORNKY AT LAW. •‘<14 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telej)hone 415. J. M. D.VVFDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 3tX) Mercbant St., Office (Mutual) T©1. 160, Resiclence 07. S. K. KA-NE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OlHee: Corner King aml Bethel streets. uj)-stairs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Oftico, corner KingA Bethel St.s. NAĪIONAL !R0īi W0RKS, Qcef.x Stkeet, Between Alakea «V Eiehanl Sts. TliV. I NlthRSU«SED «it‘ prepcurtd t<> I make ell kinds ot Iiv>n Br:iss, Br»n*c, Ziuc, 1in am! I..wd Castinp:. Alao a Ooutral Ktpur Shop fjr Stcam Eagincs. Rice MilK Corn MiUs. "ater Wheek», Wiud MilK etc. Machincs f»r ihe Ckanir g o( Cfcffac. C A»t !t O.K Reans. lUmie, Sisa1, Piuenppie Leorcs * otbtr Fibit>ns P!aats, Acd Paper Stock. AK> Maekine» f ,>r Extracting Staroh from tbe Manioe, Arruw s>t, «tc. Ue’" AU Or\ltr» prompt!y atton>led tj, WHITE. RITMAN « CO.