Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 22 September 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

a Hopp & Co. THEY TALK, If you want to faroi'h ycur bonse eome aronnil, aml you will find that we bave "ot anvthing wliieh will suit you. Tiio lat»:st style of Farnitare arriveJ !.v tao O. Wilder anJ ot!ior i nt vessels. anJ wbut we ein n<>t Jo iu tbe line of Upho!steiy isu’t wortb kaowiug. Wo have got BeJs on whieh a saint nnJ the opposite ean aleep equally as well. We huve got Wickor Chairs whieh look comfortubly, and make your callers leuve eurly. We have got Parlor Sets and Dining-room Sets and BeJ-room Sets, jost reaJy for the man who is going to start honse-keeping and enjoy his honeymoon anJ then—well, wo will whisper it--we have got Baby Carriages of the most auiqne description. 0f conrse the baby wonUl eome aronnd if aware of the fact, bnt in the meaniime we invite Mama to eall. It doesn’t cost anvthing to inspect the goods in the store HOPP- & C0., , King Street.