Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 22 September 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The P. G. band plays at Thomas Square tbis evening. The Birk Aklen Besse. sails for San Fr.inciscu to-morrow uiorning. A broken roller from llanamaulu, K&uui, was the on!y freight by the steamer Waialeale. Mr. H. A. M idemann went t> Waianae tliis moruing. He \vent down on the steamer K iala. The 0. A. Stearashi[i Warrimoo due to-morrow from Vaucouver, B. C., shon!d bring fonr days later telegraphic news. Share> of Stock iu the Peop!es’ lee & Refrigeratiug Co.. will be offered for sale to-morrow, at Morgan’s anelion rooms. The steamer Kinau sailed at 2 o’eloek tbis aft«*rnoon, for Windward Ports. The foliowing sengers were booked at the office of the steamer: J. M. Davids<»a. Miss M. M. Ciarke, Miss E. Rov, T. Teven, Uig Lnrdship. ihe Bishon of Honoiulu, J. Bryaat. E. j Manuel, J. O. Csrter. Jr., Mrs. McTighe and2childreo, J!īss Maiy E. Low. aod Mrs. C. P. laukea and daughter.