Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 September 1893 — The Best Horse. [ARTICLE]

The Best Horse.

Color is a iu:»tter of fasbion as well as of jnclgement. Away back in antiquity, in tbe time of Xenophon (15. C.>, the (Jreeks preferred bay borses, anel they tbonght a great deal of horses, as tbe sonlptures on tbeir noble build!ngs aud tboir devotion to tbeir classic horse races prove to ns. Tbe Cleveland bay was a breecl in England 200years ago, and bay was tbe popular color in England. Untd of late years we find that cbestnut predoininated ou the Briti.sh race conrses. The majority of ihe great tborougbbred rscers seem to h »ve been chestnut. Tbe following emineni winners, as well as raany more tbat eoukl be nameel, of tbe popular chostant hne: Eclipse aud PantaIoou, who eaeh had black spots on their hinds quarters, Castrel. Selim, Rnbeus, Stockwell, Donc ster. ; Birlcatcher. H daplan. St. Atb.»us B air Athol. Ponoom, Hermit, } Prinee Cbarlie, Kayon D’or, and ' Bend Or. i Grey is not a popnlar color j ara«»ng breeders, but many grey borses bave maele themselves popular bv their greatness. Natore does not contribute many white horses, wbether tbey are liked or not. The same prejodice might exist toward them, as felt by the colored wom»n, who said of her mulatto cbild, that “sbe conld not bar dat ehile, *canse he show the dirt so plain!” The story will bear repeating, whieh is told of an Arab shiek. i

f who wa' tiying fr bis enemiea. | Tnn»iog t<> bis sod. be aske<lr “Wiiat hon>e< «re at tbe bead * . * »•* of onr eut*imes ‘•Tbe whites, father,' >aicl the »oa. ■ T;.:»t i< w. II." was tbe sbiek's an-wei-. 'We will allow the san t ; > it* vrork. Tbe power of the wii«te br>r>es will ili*»pi*ear bef«>re its ravs as Vutter melts. Aft r a tirae. ag»in the shiefc sp>ke; *-Mv s n. wb*t horee« are neare>t onr hee!s ' • The blacks. father.” answere»l rhe y. E\> !l»>ut, tbe ohl man said “The st'»ny "round wi!« o»ercome tbe p' vrr> < f tbe bl 'ck, for e\en the nt-, o of tbe 8*>udan heeoinea t;-l ■■!;•- nkleswhen he walka ov*t •>.} ground.’’ On tl lle-.el. until a thircl time tbe ct»i e ille l npon his keeneyecl b y; ‘*Whar ones are now aheael ;' “Tht ii!■• 'vvn> anel thechestnat-br-owns, fatbor.’ “Tlit n, ’ crieci tlio shiek ‘*we ' ran>;t flv f istor, or we are lost. j \Vb cf- . l«)so n<> time, for those horses em overtake ns. ’— 1 \'d~ /*U'e s i>fonflhj.