Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 9, 27 September 1893 — CORRSPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


fWe do not hold onrselvcs responsible for the opiniona or the utterances of our correspondents.] Editor Holomua: —Tbe mattor of the water snpply for Honolain is a very serious qnestion vet this governmeut does not seem to realize it. A large appropriation for the u<e of the Bureau nf water-works was passed by the last legisktire; where is that money. is it not avail«b!e? Government bonds are so readily disposed of, cannot more be sold so as to raise fnnds enongh to do sometbing in that directiour T( ere seems to be no besitancv abont expending thoas.mds of dollars on a soperfluons aud oseless military force. During tbe incnmbencies of Merssrs C. B. Wilson and J. C. White tbis eommnoity was never pnt in soch a strait f<>r a sopply of water as it ia at the present time, still they bad lengtby dry spells to contend with. The 'fact is the forraer incnmbents attended strictly and tborooghly to their dnties. Wateb,