Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 10, 28 September 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Look out for the Alameda tomorrow. The door of a Foj-t stredt jewelry store was found open last ©veniog. The arrival of a new Staroffice is said to be one of the events of the future. The councils of tbe present Governnieut are in session this afteiuoon. Mr. Renjes Consnl for Mexico, visit<Kl 4he U. S. F. S. Philadelphia this forenoon. The steamer Mikahala is up to leave for Maui aud Uawaii. at 10 o’eloek to-morrow morning. If the Aiameda is in port this eveuing, the P. G. band bass drum will be banged at the Hoiel. A number of passengers are already booked at the office of 4he Ageats, to go forward by tbe C. A Steamship Miowera due on the 2ud of next monih. One for drunkeuess, one for Laviug opmm in poss~ssion, and one for threatening iife were iho arrests made to-dav. •>

F. A. Scbt:afer Esq. Consul for Ita!y, visited tbe C. S. F. S. Pbiladeipbia tbis foreuoon. A mastiff dog captored a cbine>e V>nrglar la.st night. The HoL«nr a’s editori «1 r o o m s ‘ bonncer” is a iuast;ff. lt is nunored tbat two Consuls representing foreign countnes were ]>revented bv the guard ou duty, from entering tbe Palaee gate last Monday evening. A friend of some of the Houolulu merchants bas been soddenly called aw y from tbis city. He left on the stearaer Oeeanie !ast Tuesday. The officers of tbe Boston on their arrival at San Francisco, wili find nlso copies of tbe Holomua at tlie Na\y Pay Office, eonbiining tbe acconut of last Monday evening’s fiasco. A musician wilh his harp, and a b <v with a vio!in were entertaining the dnwn town busine89 people with 1 1 vely airsthi8 forenoon. All thoughts of p<»litics were dropped for tbe time being. A cnrporaI in Capt. Zeiglers detaehnent of volunteera at the government building. died at the Hospital this mnrning. The body was t »keri to the government bui!ding. The funeral took plaee this afternoon. We are pleased to iearn tbat Mr. L. C. Ables tbe genial manager of tbe Honolnlu lee Works, is recovering frorn his accident and that his friends may expect to see hiiu around by next Monday. — Next Tuesday, Deputy-Attor-ney-Gener.il Wilder will proceed to Kohala witb all his satellites and tbe paraphenalias of the prosecuting department, to attend the circuit coort at Kohula Hawaii. We understaud that Mr. Wilder will be the guest of District Judge Atkins. A new style of Iadies appaiel is reported to be in the city. It has not yet transpired to tbe satisfaction of the ladies, whetber or uo it is to be worn, or whether they themse!ves are to wear anytbiug. It is called the ''idea,” costurae makers may eall at the office of the ”Star” for a detailed description. The nalional flag was flying at balf mast over the Palaee buildīng, (now used by the present Kxocutive usurpers as their executive buildmg) this moming. Upon enquiry, it was learned tbat the tiag was at balf mast out of respect to the corporal who died this moraing. Tbis is the only goveruraent in the world that lowers the Naiional fiag over its State building for such occasions.