Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 10, 28 September 1893 — The Uae of Trumps. [ARTICLE]

The Uae of Trumps.

In the garoe wbist lh« managen»ent of trnrope is » rery erave a.nd incportant f»ct>r«>f gvx»d whtsl playing. Trumt« are soaj**ti»Bea called Ihe artillery of tbe hand. The Kriglish whist plHverge«iernlly cooform6 t<» the Kcglish rule.” and ieads thero fr»m five or sigjiii’i8 for hĪ6 pi.rtner to do s«>. Aa whist i8 pl;iyed by the best A»ue* ricau ulayers. trumps are treated at their re«erve. lt oerlainly a very fo««lĪ8b thing to do. just heeanee y>n h:«ppen t > hold five trumps to al»ay? le!«d tbem. lt puts one in mmi of a gentlemHO who alw «}’s ins sl? on c*>mmencirg bi8dinner with a gla?s «>f wine. Tiiere is n«> d >ubt that tlie fin-t ute oftrurojis !s t > make tricks. lf one ean make them servict;«b'.e to that they hav«* been u~e«l to tl>e besl advantHgs. Of conrse <>ne may lose a trici or s«> t«> iiis «>ppone«it’e trumps; slill if, by exce!lei t play, one roakes nn>re th;m he hns lost, and t roay be uu>re than in ad< fiant gnne he ehonul have made, the trump8 have been proper!y piayed. It is tbe plan of many players to draw tr'inij«8 aj.d make their lnng enit. SuppoHjng that thi? was the best part of whist aud worthy of accej tation. whieh is n«>t true, <1 d it ever <>ccnr t > the play* r th*t the attempt? to biing in l"ng suits are generally f«hle«l by j>lay*rs? If one wiil think u mnment he will remember that eaeh jilayer always hae a l<>ng snit. and he mtist he aware that eaeh player cnnnot make it —in laot. tiiat one «>f t<>nr ean be made, and that one is n«>t alw.«v6 availab e. While you are endeavoring t-> arr«i ge f>r the triim|>8 t<> fill to j>lease you your adv«-rs «rie? ;«re q'iite equally determined t«* hinder aneh resnlt. and, if the power is in their hands. you may have l« st all eoanee for making good us- of the tromps that ymi h«>ld. A th : rt enth card is 8on«etime8 made, but not very often, and the long* 8t suit held at the table. as a general mle. is thrown aw:«y by pieeemeal, very reluctantly, hut very nnif«>rmly In the San Francieco WhistClub it has been <ieinon8trated over and over again, t« an nbsoulte certaiuty in playing whist in duplicate, that leading trum»s from five without a remarkably good hand back of them, a player loaea more than he makep by it. Some evemngform a L«ble, piay. say twelve bands on the <>riginai play, always lead trumps fn>ra five or signal f«>r your partner to do so, make all Ihe tricK8 poseible that way and then p!ay the aame hands over again. Reverse the order, reserve yonr trump atreogth and see how you will eome out.