Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 12, 30 September 1893 Edition 02 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]


The ‘ energetic ><liot who infases ‘ western civilization into lbe colurans of the Advertiser is worrie<l by Holomua cats-total abstiri*nce is not goo<l r for the D. Ts. Trv Brandy and soda — as usaul. What a lot brcith and ink bas heen Witstfd in d«-nom ctn he “fus9 und frtithers” r y«lty by the now ruling alleg“d d**mocrat9. *nd what a l«t of fass m >d Ieathers and tinsel and g!itler 19 n«w <>n <-x hihiiion by the wry s:itne p»rti*«. The amount of g »1(1 laee »nd th» 3plendor of unif>rn'9 now used by the P. G., ita army and fiici»ls h«s not boen equHled. SmCf the poor old Kaimiiou whieh w»ethe bo»teofcuntention of tbe relorm p«rtv, Ihe gold-laced Colonel and C.>n>iiiariders, and D»*ctor9 and Q »»rtermasters, and generally umf.>rm>d (k>nkeys exceed the wildeet imagiuation of any s >ver' ign >*r any niinist«r in thrse isiands—but Uie pa rad..‘8 for Dole take the eake though. Tbis moniing the Kinau eame in from liawaii and Maui, and the passeug> rs <>n b>>«rd w»*re treated ivlththe u>>U8Uals gbtof« squad «i about fifty 1*01x6 oen drawn up io iiue ou liie wharf, dressed iu lheir best suit of el >tues aud commanded by Capi. W«ipa. A dr.i>« regularly beaten kept tbe boys awake, while the cr«>wd waited for the jt«amer. Deputy Marstal Brown pn lktigue umform, dancedaround and «tr-'u • 1 his eyes to see if soma body was on the steamer demanding ihe »ttentiou of the whol. 4 *foro#.° In t’ae b»cKgnrand the JC.-ne.ry w>s illunamat«d by His Eieeile; cy the President of the Board of H ilth witb tbe rank of Attorney-G«ner .1 wh<», with a “ehoiwaie” smile >-r.d exi>res«'on, sat his steed well and dreatned of goat bunting aud Kooiau. On fuot wm ihe second in command Marehal Hitcbo>ck who anxious!y watcbe<l the cmuing «teamer at the imue time baving , «n <y- on tbe Puiladelphia. A gang v>f soldie>s v«« r«ady to blaze •wav from the sh re b.ittery while 1 |b« Muiister of lnterior in hit du;)li< % at-* n»l« ae eiipem tru<ient of 1 • W)lder’« steam«rs stood prepared * to ealel» tba haft8ers.

Wbat was tbe oeeaeion for all Ihe ilisplav? Mr. Sanf ni B. Dole waa ex|>ected to roturn from Hawaii. was the answer given to onr qoestion—and becaose that poor sick man was to eome home tho authorities considered it aeoeaaan* to make a display and Maes of themselves. Has he doue anvtbing that it is neeesJary to send baif the poliee force in white pants for him? Does tkl lnn(d attorney-general so «rell v«med. in etiquettes reallv eonsider -a sqoad of thiefcatcLem, maiehing to the mono4onoos soand oi a drum, a guard of hoaor. Tonsitlooked more iike piwpaniioo for an exeoution ihan like a reoeptk*n for the “s**

Mr. Dole is a modest man: he s more ’ver a perfect gentlemau hiuI we are confide:it that he wouKl highly disapprove of sny display like tbe one prepare«i for hun by h:s learned colleague W. O. Smith. If this government pretenda to be anything. it preteuds to be democratic and simple in its constroctson and form. To receive the head of such government returning from au excursion to a not distant part of the country with drums aud snlutes and poliee is simply a pieee of sublime ridicule frora whieh Mr. Dole nndoubtedly will pray to be relieved that is, if President Dole is of the same mind as J udge Dole used to be. ♦ In spite of all tbese wonder ful preparations, the Presid«nt did not arrive, and the wholedisplay of Smith. Brown, and the “foorce” was of no use. Judge Dividson, end Mr. Giffard retnrned by the Kinau, and looked w*th sorae surprise—we trnst not apprehension, at the “foorce” drawn in line along the wharf bnt there was no sign of D ile. The druro sounded ag»in and the “foorce,” whitepantsandall, we«e marched «way and got nbont an hour’s drill on Palaee Sq;mre as an excnse for haviug been ronsed so early. After their whiie nnmentionables had got sufficientiy soiled in the dust they were allowed to go home and have inem washed while all tbe generals went to their respective i omes and enjoyed their respective “’am and beggs” and cofiee. īn the meantime Mr. Dole remains on Hawaii withont iīny visible improvement in his health. Bravo! Bravo! This is from tbe Advertiser of this morning: “In any event the new government (of Hawaii) will bedistinctively American in form and principles, and will be guarauteed by the protfction of the United States ” If that ean mean any kind of government, except, government of the people,by the people, and for the people, we do not know what a < government distinctively Amerean in form and principles ean mean. It certainly cannot mean government by the 2.14 per cent Americans, who represent only \ 4 66 per cent. of the voters, and , only pay 26 per cent. of the j taxes—inclnding tbe 15 per cent ] paid by CIaus Spreckels. We are afraid that Mr. Johnstone’s “pri- f vate information” is a little ont t if it telis him that a government ‘ on American principles is ever a “minorify” government, or a t government by an American t colony of no conseqnence what- s ever. _ —

We very seldom read the Star in toto —it would be too heavy work for ns to do in this weatber, bnt last night we waded through eveiy eolnmn and through every line, and we now believe that wo were basely imposed npon. The resson why we undertook tbe the oneroos task was, tfaat our eyes were caoght by the heading whieh atated that ‘Minister Willia looks to (sio!) Society for entertainment” We were rather ssrpriaed thata selbcted to represent the- United 8tates in Hawaii. shoidd have •oxpresaed himseildn snch a manMr « whleh only eoohi be interpreted aa a deliberate insalt to

the Hawahan» >u Hawaii, bnt by hx»kmg thror.gh the St r, we do not find oue siug!e liue whieh | sabstantiatcs ti»e otfeusive headlines; and we raust therefore ex- ! onerate Minister Willis, and eonfine ourselves t*> put him on his gnard in reganl to the Star, its editor and tbe “White Society, represeuteil by tbat combination and »xhibited at the late Palaee j Ball. Consul-Genēral Ellis Mills wi-l be able to give tlie minister several go<al poiutson “the wbite society.” with whieh Mr. W. G. Stnith wishes to ent-irtain bira and we do i ot doubt that be his d->ne so. -