Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — Still on the Reef. [ARTICLE]

Still on the Reef.

The Steamsbip Miowera is not aflowt _vet It w«s hoped tbat tbe ressel would have beeu 1 «aflic.ently Iigbtened at higb tide to day, to b« towed off. The Japan se steamor Aikoku Mara w*-nt oat this woroing to render assistance. and witb tbe CIaudine «6 endeavoring to pull tbe disabled st an»er from her dangeroos |>osition. Piie work of jettisoning eoal ia goii.g on. Pig irou is still being disch.trge<l into lighters. The iujpres.sioa seem» to be carrent, th.«t the steamer is further on to the reef to-day tbau she w«s yesterdav. Tbe tog Eleu got between two bawsers while at wurk this moraing, resulting iu the kuocking over of tbe a n<>kestHck. The tug retarned to the dock at twelve o’eloek.