Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — When Prince George was a Midshipmite. [ARTICLE]

When Prince George was a Midshipmite.

When Prince Georjt« of Wale« wa s a n3id*hipoian he w*i presecl st a b«U *t Port?naonth. He was daocing wilh » jou.ig Udr who had not caughl the name of her partner, and whu d«d notcbooee to d.;nce ignorantly. **What i« roar rftune" she inquired. witb 8niiling directnesj«. “I never do get bo!d of people'» namee whrn they are iotroduced. It is stupi<1 nol anowing. ’ ** Oh ” aaid the Pnnee, “ wy name is George. ’* ** I doo t mean yoar Cbristian nao»e. What is your other name 7 ” ehe p*rsisted. Well ” §aid the R*.yal a*ilor. “I &m not often called by my family name. I «m generally called George. ” The young lady grew auepieioue. She ac*nned his uniform aarn»wly. “ Why you’re only a mkiahipman," ehe cned. “ Wby, I tbought you were a real offic*r. ” * Yaa.” *dmitled ber parto«r. “I *monly a mid9hipn>an. Do you miod ? Perhaps you on!y d*nce with re*l offioera?' Tbe young iadj daclarod oneoopn.misingly tbat aueh wae indeed the eaae; *nd almoei imroediately eomp!aincd of fatigue *nd heal. and begged her p*rtner to take hcr to her ehapewn. The Prince imtnediately sr>ught hi§ equerry, and indicat!Dg his late jwrtner, eent hin» to that lndy with a mea«*ge. *' Go and lell that young Udy—the one by the wind<»w in ihe pnle green dress—that mv faraily name is Guelph,” »:ūd PrinceGe« rg**. The equerrv tooked hut ihe futnre Duke of Y<>rk and heirappareni of these rea!ms reiierated his commmid. *‘She wnnla to knnw. Go and t"ll ’ T«»e equerry pre«ented him»* f. «' d, b.>wing l«»w h for- the la«ly. f i ti len his tniesion. ** 1 «m dir«-ct«l by hie H<>yal H‘.ghnei»H t>» V f ric you.” he 8aid, “ihnl the lantiiy onnie of hia Koyal Highn--8 i§ Gnelph ” Perha|W »«r chapfron had already U»ld her w»mel nng. S ie betrayrd oo emb:»rrae§ment and rep ied, ** Will y«»u ihauk the Prince for hi» uie§»>g«. and lell hia R «ya! Highne-a that I m» q''ite rested ?” Tbam *8age « 8 ;«>«o delivered to Pnnee Oe- rge, whu had, however, ju*t giveu his baud t»> auother lady* ••T»». > »iik l‘iat lady f«»r me,” he re> l d. *ai d tell her >>f o>y 8»tiafaCtion in he»ri >g §he h»a recov- n-d fr>>nt h*-r fat gne]tot the n>>m 'a stif. very » irm, «i.d I asti nbout l * d>*>r • vTt*« this iadv, wh«> d«>e# Q «1 «Ja tC“ 'iry with n-al >.ffic**rs ” !