Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 16, 5 October 1893 — Military Discipline. [ARTICLE]

Military Discipline.

The order from headquarters yesterday regarding the “dress” for the day must have been “dress miscellaneously." We suppose so at least, as at the government buildings yesterday the guards at the gate wore the following uniforms; Two were in all white, one wore a black coat with white trowsers, another had a black coat on with blue dungaree trowsers. All wore regulation military caps. Medicus: The gold cure advocates claim that their elixir is a cure for almost all diseases. Politeeus: Why don't they try it on the silver maniacs?—Life. "Who said so?" “He said so!” “Well, if he said wot you said, you tell him that I said wot wuzzen't said at all!"-Life. First eminent physician: I have always remembered my first patient. Second ditto: I trust he remembered you. First E. P.: He would have done so, no doubt, but he hadn't time to make a will.-Life.