Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 16, 5 October 1893 — Russia and the P. G. [ARTICLE]

Russia and the P. G.

The recognition by Kniwi* of a tetnpor»ry ProTi»ion*l G<»T»rn ment holding po«rer only thr»ngh and by the sopport of the Umted States, is snggestire of an intrigae that may ba tbe prelode to • new and interesiing chapter in our Hawaiian modd!e. To »>*y the 1 east the aeiion of Kosaia is extraordinary. in that it appew» to be wanting m dipl«im«t’c oourtesy to the UniUd St tes. before whieh goreroment a deci- • sion is pending as between Ameriean Filibusterers v» the Queen and tbe Hawaiian people. lf, in recognising the "Hawaiian Kepahlie/' Russia bas acted aolelv npon the represent tions of ber CoosuI, ii is easy to auderstand hoW gross!y that coantry has been deceived. But the cunning and eauiiooe diplomacy of Russia does not usualiy perm t itself to make sueh a stapid blunder in the face of the disreputabie facts of the revolt in Hawaii whieh are knowu to the World. There certainlv is grave chus6 for snspicion that this Kueaiau recognition is the rosult of over turea and intrigues frora Hawaii, whieh are more presamptaoas even than the Japunese ‘ inter ference’’ whieh was so hot y resented by the Amenean press. The connecting link» in this Russian bnsiness if studied closely ean be construed into an interesting series of p<»litical gyumastics. HerrGlHde. tbeGerman ConsuJ. violnting all international coartosy. appears on the revolntionary rostrom in denuneialion of the Qaeen and govern ment to whom he is aocredited. and takes active leardership in a filibustering plot to overthrow the government. Was it an inaane act or was there method in his roadness? The fact that the German Government has not rebnAed or recalled tbis consnl poiuts to the latter impression. and fhe riddle m*y be read in the word "Bamoa.” The commercial partner of this same oonsul is consul for Rassia, and has undoobtedly distorted tbe inforroation he has transmitted to his govornmont, while he also becomes an open partizan of the revolatioaary goveraraent. The hoaae of Hackfeld & Co. commerciaUy and consularly are the active patrons aod paitizans of thp ivTolation*ry P- G., and *re andonbtedly familiar with al) its intrigae*. 1$ it possible tbat tbe P. Q. recognising tbe faet that anaeiaiion io the U. S. is faopeless, ami fe*riogthe poliiie*! aud Hoeial damoatiou that might befall them if the bonor of tbe Unite*l States necessiUtes the | restoration of the Qaeen, are | makiog desperate overtores elsewhere, to secare protection for theraselves ? T1ie plot is a g»-»od one. U. S an*ex*tiou imposaible, l>e«*ose . incomp*tibl« wrth natinr»H| , bonor, Suf?nĒK Cwdimk betweeo Britain an*i Amertc* prelodes all offerefo Engl*n<la* thn»atened by Thuretoc; Koaaia known io be interest*d ua Hawaii, haviug troated our Hawailan Embaasy wilh exiraofdtnary distinction *ud m the w«r sean» ot '85 atarted : out * fle«t tow«rds Hawaii—Bos- | sia having been cv»nsidero«i aa a possibiIity in eabl« wkeneo wilh Hawaii. Ttw iaeniahk- eonflici betw«en tb« Benr snd tbe Lion Hpproaeblug DasirabUity of

H««tii to e tber in th»4 Despermte men in • d«apwa*e a>ta«t>on. RassU »tber th*n Reat. xmt.on. There yon ■»! Is Uine Nnything in it? If not. «ill some one nse Kod eiplain Ro?aia'a rwognitii>n of the ian Republic” »s vet without siitiidi’ig w‘th the other power*. How m ill Ameneana reg>trd thia Russian “interfereuce. Weahall pn<bjibly be*r Iob<11t from the Ameneun Press on the snbject.