Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 16, 5 October 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

DR. MeLEWAN, i:tl pnrt Streft, H.mne 9 A.M. t o 1-* M.s 3todP.M OflS.>- T«*l. CH2-Mm:*L-Kf«iiiVa«* Tel. 2* 7. “FAT BOY." BAY HORSE 8AL00N I r Mc|KH!ST, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer Cor>ex B»r««u. axt Hot>j J*t« l!HAS. MOLTENO -i.«r imnmobxal Airrtsr. No. 511 Kiug Strfc«t. Honololn. H. 1. (!ive me a trwl. WIN6 WO TAI & Co . *JI4 Xāu4BO SUt«t. OOMMIHHION MBKCHANTS Imp. «rt«-n »kA IWien in •; a;.v l mkm ua kdise. Fine Manila Cigant. Cbiue«e ar.ci Tsitotte«t«Crock’r> ware. Mattingn. Va*e* of ail kin«ls. Camphor«ood Trnnks. IliUm Ch«in, s Fin«* Ajxs«»rtment of Dres*s Silks. Bo>t Bnitid<« of t*bio«Me an«l J«piDer Tea> of Takte*t Importations ln.speetion of Ne* (inoU Re -ipectfnllv Sol»c;te«l. ' Mntttai Tel. 2M P O. Bo\ 158 WIN6 WO i C0.. ManuUctar«irs aml I>eal«nt ia LaiUw'. Ge»U A (’hiMn-n « Boo^,^tjoe$^aitei*3 So. 35, flftU Huc»l al a. Nauana HtrwtfpfcP O. Boi 1W Boot» and Hhoea m*«1e to orvi«r io Beei Stf Ve, >t WTsoie»«l« >ml R«teil Prū*e*