Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HawamHolomua is prnuwng> EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT KCNDAY BY THE Holomua PublishiagCo. At Kine St (Tbomas block), Honolola, H I. SUBSCElPTm, per Xza&. 50 Cts. Tbr p*p**r i» <WiTer»d bjr <'«rrim in tbe town ui l «nhort».. C<K»ies fJr Snle tt the New» IWiU-m *n.ī at tne Offioe ot pnblication. ABRAHAM FERHA\DēZ, - Manager EOUUHO N0RRIE, - • Editor XOTICE. AU Ba«ineM Conunuric«tion» »honW be tililrr«e<l to Ahnluuu lVrnnndez, HonoInln. H. L Corre«pontlenoe «uti Coniinuu!cation» for pnbtication «honM be «dtlnwue>i to the E<iitor llawnii Holonina. No noiiee wiU be i«itl to »nj «nou.mion» oommnnieaUon». T.usinf$s (Tard$ A. P. PET£HSON, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kualiumanu ''treet. Honolnlu Hawaiian Nlamia. CHAHLES CREIGHTON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OSoe: 113 Kaahnmann Stre«t, Houolnln Hawaiian lalamia. OLAKENOE W. ASHFOHD, ATTOBNET ANI> OOUN8ELLOU AT LAW. Offitx>: OUi Capitoi Bnil(ling, (Honolnlo Hale), a<ljt»ining I\»»t t)fflce, Honolnln. A. HOSA, ATTORNEV AT LAW. No. li» Knahumunu St.. Honolulu Hawaiinu lslands. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORNBY AT LAW. 314 Merohaut Street, Honoluln, Mutunl Telepbone 415. J. M. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3iH} Merohant St.. Oiliee (Muiual) Tel. 180. Ke-ūilenee 67. | ‘ ! S. K. KA-NE, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Oōiee: Coruer King aiul Bethel streets. up-sUir». JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU. ATTORNEV AT LAW. Office, coruer King .V Bethel Sts. Wing Mow Chan, IJI1H>RTERS AXP Commission Merchants DEALER5 IX China and iapan Tea. Provisions. Manila Cigars. GROCEIUES. SILKS. MATTESO, C»njphor Wood Tranks, K«ttAn Oh&iiA. etc., etc. 304 King St,, Houoloiu, P. O. Box No. 180, Mato*l Tel. No. 78.