Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — Late Foreign News [ARTICLE]

Late Foreign News

The raail by the .\ostrali» does not bring anvthing of epeeial interest to H»waii. Private *dvices fn>«n \N ashingtou eon tinae to l»e highly satisfactoiy to the eaune of the loyal Hawaiiana aml developments ean l>e looked for »t an early date. Uolouel Spreckels who has raade a vigorous ilght for Hawaii in W ashiugton has loft the capit.«l after hav ing acomplished bis object. Minister WTMis aiul ConsnlOeiier.il Mills will loavo San Franci$co on the 10th iust.. aud arrive here «>n the lt3th or 17th. Mr. Hlount has returneil to his home in Oeorgia, aud the Hawaiiun atliiirs are virtually settled W'hat the finul result will b« is still a raatter of conjectare, as the dee|K*st aecrecy is observed in eveiything portaining to Hk waii, but well infonned [>eo- I ple ,>rophecy th«t the decision of Presideut Cleveland and his adininistrtition will be favorable to fhe just Cause of the Hawaiian People. Revolntion in the ditferent South Amerca Kepublics are sti)I raging and tbe situation is precair and franght with dauger. The bomb:mlmeut of Rio Janeiro has cost many lives botb of eom batants and non-combatanta and the groatost distress reigns in tho HrHzilian oapiial. The l'S S cruiser Cl»arleston is thero, aud is ordered to nse her moral iiillueueo to protect Americans and thoir property. A luu * l ic bus madean attempt to enter the W’hile Uouseevidenily forthe porpose of assassin«ting tbe President. Tho crank was fortunat«ly detected iu time and secured. The anarchists are lifting their hcads again ami a terrib!o dynamite conspiracy has been detected aiul cbecked in Anstna. It is believed that tbe anarchists «re organixod all over Eun>pe and Atnerica aud some preconeerte»i aelion by all the |K>wers ean be looked for to fin«lly exterminato that scourge on moilem civilizaiion. Mr. van Alen whoee ap(x>intmeut bv Cleveland to be Italian Minister crvate»l a stroug iudigxintiuu even in the Democratic partv has given up tbe fight aud ūeolineil the apjH>iutment. (rladstone has delivemlanother \iolent sj>eech in E»linburgh directe»l «gamst the House of lx>rds. He thrv.»leneil to dissotve the House of Lords if a disolution of Par<i»ment was forcetl on him. Ni'gotiation« b-tween Sinn »nd Fnnce axe broken otf «gain and ihe outlook for the first named country is veiy dark Pnnee Bismark > heahh bas been impn>viug aud he haa returued to F rūlerichsruhe. The Sale of Uie Palo AUo Stock wil) lake plaee during this monih 50 trotteiw haring been ®eut to lrexiogton where they vil) be pat up «t «uctioa. Xh« li«ytian warship Alexan-

dro loundered otf C*pe Tiburon on the extreme *outbwest co*st oi H«yti on the 6th of Septeml>cr Evervbody on hoanl her to the nunober of eigbty. wilh exeeplion of one sai!or, perishod. A distinguishe»l company of Haytiao dip!omats on their way to San Domingo «h*> were on the Alexandre lost their lives during the catastrophe. Presideut Cleveland has uominated Commoiiore George Brown to be a Re«r A<lmiral.