Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 18, 7 October 1893 Edition 02 — ANARCHY IN AUSTRIA. [ARTICLE]


Conspiring to Blow Up the Reichsrath. Pi*p*tch to Ihe CnK05in.*.) ViEtXA. September 28.— -On Ssptetcber 2-id inf*rmati-*n ctb!ed of tbe amst t»f a nomher of an*rchUla in lh;s c:tr in a' houee on and ihe d»coc«ry t»f cases of rernlrer«, botnbe, explo?ive?. coats wiih le*ther lining». with ho»k« for 9U9pend:ng honah? to theni, and dociments of a m«t incriminat«ng nature Tbe poliee have heen moei retīceot in regard to the roatler »ill to-dar, when tber adoūtted ths truth of the slory and added malenal ūcta, »h 'tr:ng th*t th« oon*pir»cy wa» the greatest ēinee Guy F»wkes' day. Tbey say that eob«equent inTeetigat;oo showed ihat tb« anarchs**.s īoUoded U» saaoggle dyna-

mite into :be urdergiwand ponion of the Reichsrath building *nd wheu that body met October 10th to bk>w it 9kyhīgh and therebr 9trike tem>r ioto tbe heart* of tbe eneoiiea of lbe iude p»-ndent grv>op of aoeialiele, to whieh the arre#ted men beloogevl. Had the plot succeeded som« 500 pe»>ple wi>ul«l h.»ve been hurled iot« etemitv. :ncluding pri»>«9 of the im}ieri3l f.trailv, hereditary n<>b!ce and d:gniUne« of tb« church, The anarchi»is also had pl*ns Iaid to blow up #t t:e eame tiro« Ihe low » hall, «ilh over 1000 emplovfd there;o. l>e*:d«'9a number of important bai!dings on Ihe Ringstraf*3e, on«uf the fine»t streels in Europe. th« university. the fam*>us MisU>rica! M‘i*eum and other building* of a ?iiuilar nature. The H»fhurg Theater was *Uo irclude*l in the conspiracy. Tu« strungest p;»rt of tho *torv, as far as the Un ; .ted State* is o»nc**rned. o>>me* n >w. lt has a!r>* ><iy b-en annonnced that the bomba were maile &cc<>rdiug to thc f«>rmula of Herr Mo-tofNew York. but this ia n»t all. The poliee elaim t> be ab!e to pn>ve tbat anarchists in this gigantic eonspiracy nre connected wilh the an >rchists at Chicag>>. They 8ay, s not raere!v « poliee th«ory, but that the connection of the Chicag» aoarchists with tho«e h**re hss heen fuliy >9t»bli9hed heyoud a doubt. C>rresp>.idence between ihe Chic ip> re«ls and lh»*e of \ ienna is*aidtobe in the h m>ls of the Austrian Gov6rnment, who, it weiKi *>eem, mu<>t have eummunicated with ihe Chicag>> poliee on the suE>ject.