Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 October 1893 — Awa Without Papers. [ARTICLE]

Awa Without Papers.

A' :i mattor of law an.\ custom the British coMetor Grnntlholin OD£ht to be in |>ort. As a iu.ktter of fact. to whieh the Uw sotuetimes reluctaut!y yicld>, tho Ommlholm, her noso pointing towanl the north. is jt!owing ihe sea. If there are cleantnce papers ahoanl the Government ollici»lt here say they do not know it. However, .lohn Kosenfehl s Sons say tbat tho vessel was iluly cleare*l. At any mte the coaster has vanished from ber beith at Mission No. 2 wharf. There is something mysterions abont thc CiramIhoIm uow. When it eame frum N.iuaimoeoal hulen, consigned to the RosenfelJs, she did not attract any j>articular atteution. Her cargo was discharge«l aml theu for some rea«on ColIector Wise and his deputies beo»(ue *nwp«cious thut somewhere in tho grimy hold opinm was stored. aud they looked for it. It is hanlly usual for tbe Colloctor himself to take a band in ex|>editions of the sort, bot tiiis time he HCComj>anied his men. With Aaaistant Collector Kuddell and Boardiug Otficer Harker he searched ihe cra(t from stem to stern. Whether or not he got bis haml npon anything more valuable ihan eoal dust is not related, bot of thw ho got plenty, and some of it be bronght away. Captain Messer natarally resented his visit, albei| posaibly d4ttered at the distingnished . character of the visitors. and 1 took stej>« to prevent a repetition. | in tbe oiglit. it is atfirmed, tbe | Graudboim t»Urte«J for tbe Oohlen | Gate, not waitmg for farewells, nor even for the formal leave that I is r garded as aimost a necessity. Tbe ailenl mauoer in whieh she stole away wonUl bave given points to an Arab. Collector M ise dooa not like to lu) witb snch disconrtesv, and be does not like tbe idea of a ves«cl lie:ng iflnat witbont papeni, for »t has le*s »t-tndmg tbere j than a domestic witbont a “char- ; acb-r. It is a sort of marine ontIaw. and ont)*wry. be feels, mnst l*e discooraged ’ With this j thooght in mind he bas teleI grapbe*l o£5cer» at otber ports, in case tbe Gramlholm »hsli drop io. to detain hei until be eau renew his pleasaot ac*{aaiutance with Captain Meae«r. It i* nol belteve«l tb«t the ; Graodbolm will pnt in at any ; Amenean port. bnt will avoid I iaod tiil sbe ean dock nuder the j »liadow of a British flag. Capt Mesaer doobtiewa nnder»Unda that his sndden departare will b« cons)dered an onenae, unieaa, . ot coar»e, be haa the elea anee papen that CoItecter Wi*e tbicks be hasnt. (S.F. Kxuminer.)