Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 20, 10 October 1893 — The only Band [ARTICLE]

The only Band

* The H&waiian National B«od, < onder tbe Ieader*hip of Profeasor ( J. Lihnnio, will * c>ncert thi» ( etening at the Kawaiian H l tel. ‘ . F<>llowing is tbe progr»mtne: i ; TAur i. I M»n b—‘*Tbe EL»h grbool Cadeto* Soo»a 2. Ov(*rtare— ■Sei.i r«»h» _ (ue». St*hi 3. Polk»— “Bvd«-wiu'‘ioorBet soto) Pmihe 4. Seiecti.'n— Ha n;uc " (br relahomīo Tbree Hnwaiue gong5. r \ur u. 5. I>oet—“M»rth«~ (oe»> Flotow l5. W*lti—"Piomena.le’’inew) Gong1 7. Mamrk«—•'Tro« Fn«n.i'’(new) Baldwia 8. March— Denng “H*vaii Ponoi.”