Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 21, 11 October 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Where is that snrplas? The n‘storatiou *‘bng-a-boo, ’ is hunting that “e<litor agaio. Two Hawaiian Telephone Cos. Suj>erintendents, have arrivod iu the city. Kever miml the debt of the mcnHrcby, look for tbe P G.’s sarplos. Samebotly will be running, about by aud by, endeavoring to raise funds to pay the P. G. deb4s. If restoration is to be tbe ultimdte re.suit of the present politieal orisis, tbe Advertiser will not be consulted at all in the matter‘ EcImd, answers “Non Est.” The arrests to-day, were eight natives for playing Che Fi, and one ehinaman having opiam :n posseasi >n l’he P. G. is not running into debt. Oh. no.

Tbe New Enro f >eau Dining Rooms is being dtted «p by Mr. J. P. Boweu on Hotel street. The rooms w ill be open to the pnhlie on Saturday the 14tb >astant. The Mnkawao coM-cafcher. now Senior Capiain of Poliee, was stalking abont the dock. prior to tho Anstralia’s departure at noon to-day, like one of the gobbler’s of Kula. and he did look very kuaaina, quite countrified. A raeeting of the parisbioners of St. Audrew's Cathedral. Cathedral vOngregation. will be held at 8:30 o eloek this evening, in the o!d Catbedral building, for Ihe porpose of electing LynodsM». The Hawaiian National band, playe<l to an immen.se gatbering of people Iast evening Tben>’s no use of taiking. the concerts by thi* band «re appreci»tesl. The eommunih »how ita appreciation br attend>ng. N’o salutes were boomed forth from the Sbore-battery tbis morning, on tbe return of Mr. President Dole, per steaxner Kinau. > It uow look* as if tbe P. G bas i uo fortber nso o( him since he 1 bas heeome a nobody.

Have yoa seen Senator J. F. Morgan s pictare in tbe • *Parad«se of the Pacific?'’ If not, jast have a look at him, be is qaite rnvr?anatīc. and th**v sav. an ex|x‘rt «»r y vin grinder. Xov, Senator. here is yoar ehaaee for a libel sait on the ''Pa^a^iae.” Mr. Maniy Hopkin? wnf »puointed Cone »1 *«>r 1 a Lo««d«.n. ‘ EūgUmi. <iuring ihe re«gn of Hia s lat* Kme Kxlekaua and 1 waa recogm*e<i as such «t ih>t »i«ne. f '-r •: —tb f r -i. u-.<n>»>'lf«ig-ment «»l ihe 1 *gal siatu{i of the Prov •« «nal G«»vernra**nt l>v the Br t - .'«I !«i'-*trv. cosue in? i The following passeugers went to San Francisoo by the stoamer Australia to-day, R. ii. Benson and wife, H. W. Berry, Mrs. A. M. Bond, W. E. Brown. P. G. Camarino, Miss Carter, Miss Cordelia Carter, Miss Mary Carter, A. F. Cooko, Mr. Culley. J. Martin I)albr:dge, Mr. Mrs. Donble<lav- aud 2 children and maul, Mrs. J. H. Doyle, Captain Forgnson and wife, Rev. T. Frasser, Miss Fraser, b. F. Graham Mr. Glyun, J. M. Greeves, T. A. Hanic»stle. Mr. J. A. Hopper, M. Leisse, Kobert Lewers, A. M. Maher, Mr. Moran, Sarn’l Morris, Mr. MeKae, Chief £ngineer McNary, Miss A. Neumann, R. K. Palaehe and wife, E. H. Paris, Mr. «a*l Mrs. W. Parker and 2 children, Mrs. Pfordner, Jouathan Rhoades, Henry Smith and wife, Mr Simpkins, Mrs. Stuart, Mr. Stephens, C. Tait, J. C. Tropp, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Walker, daughter and maid, Miss A. Weaver, J. X. Wright, Mrs S. G. W ilder, Miss A. M. W illiams.