Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 21, 11 October 1893 — The Ghost. [ARTICLE]

The Ghost.

E\core. —Ihe Hawaiian phost will not down. Whenever it gives token of being Iaid, so to speak. sorae one pops up torevive the weary disoussiou and then we have it all over again. In replv to the Jingo elaim that the dusky natives «re piningfc>rannexation. Mr. Cbarles Nordhoff. who, we believe, has before this had something to say on tbo sobject. cites f*cts going to show that tbe natives are rea!ly opposed to union with the l*nited St*tejc Mr. XonIhoff presents convincing evidence that of 9,554 uative voters in ilawaii onIy an ineonsiderable trifle of 777 favor annexation. Uut, after all, U»e so!ution of the probiem thrust npon the conatry by a **fresh ‘ naval oflicer doos not depond npon tbe wish or will of the Hawaiiana. It ia ■ wholly for us to detenoine, not merely if it be adrant*geoas for us U> annex the islands. but if it l>e right. It wonld be rather an awkwani precedeot to eet*blish ( to h*ve the countrv l»y h*nds on »ny commnnity wheiein • Minister like Sterens took * f*ncv to sot np Proviston*I Governments' ! with the *id of Ameiiean ship*. — Iīu«tmUd American . ] ■■