Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 21, 11 October 1893 — THE HAWAIIAN TREASURY. [ARTICLE]


Tbe Advertiser of yesterday morDing publisbes its usual fitiancinl stearaer editorial. It corapares tbe receipLs aud eipeuditures of the first eight raootbs of Iast year, with tbose of tbe same j>eriod of t!ns year. Tbe statement is raade tbat tbe receipts for thefirst eigbt raonths of tbis year, vrere $%7,9*24.70. Tbe expemlitores dnring the sarae period “bave araounteil to tbe unprecented amouui" of f l ,*298.‘273.79. Tbat is said in a hurrab style. Great God! what a sbowing. wbat finauceering. The astounding asserti*>n is made, althougb. the expenditnres have excee<leti the receipU by $330,349.09, tbat '*thepresent governroent has snocee<letl in establishing a surplus in botb tbe postal savings bank and tbe treasun* witb only a total new sa!e of bonds to date of 000,” Was anytbing more ab sord? Were lies ever told, witb , a str»igbter face* To charge tbe Advertiser witb “deception’' would be a mild expresaion. Does tbe cliqne it reprmeats, believe tbeir own wr tings' No, sach misrepre- i seniations are written for circnlation abroad. Tbey are straws, . for tbe pnrpose of bo!steriug up a neariy depleted trwasun a . Will the Advertiser infonn a loug sut)ering commontty. how < in the devil the present governmeni. or by wbat slighl of hacd , delttsion. it has expended ao many thonsands of dollars over i th« amonnl of its reoeipts' From ! whal sources. not yet made pnb- i • *■-_.. ' Kt'\ 'i’* ‘ *

lie. h*s tbe araoont of $330.000 *nJ cnid been Jerived. Tho AJvertiser s*y!». th»t Joring the tirst eight moniha of 1»92 nnJer the mouarcby. the etpenJitnres were only $09S.l75 - 72. with a )arge legacy of debts left unpaūl." The writer of those worJs know» fail well, that the appropriation biil for the Eieuniai period of 1890 —2 expired on the 31st of March 1892. Tbat man knows. that the Legislatore of this KingJom met in the month of M»y of 1892. That man knows. that the appropriations for cer*ain objects expiml on tbe31st of M«rch, 1892 That man knows. that the goveromeot at that time eouU onlj' continne to make payments for on acconnt of objects as specifie<l in tbe Appropriation Bill. That man know«, that the Ways and Me«ns Cora:nittee. in conjnnction with the Reform Party (of whom he was a snp|>orter) in the House hamf>ertHl the working ef tbe Governmeut of that year to the hest of their ability. That maii knows. tbat nnlil the appropriation Bill for tbe Biennial perioJ of 1892—4. liaJ passecl the House anJ become law. that no Jebts except those especially aotborizeJ bv sf>ecial act Jnring the session of the House eouU be paiJ. That man knows, that the appropriation bill for the presont Biennial poriod did not become law until the 3rJ of January, 1893. That man knows. that the inferenee he meaus to insiuuate l>y the words, “with a large legacy of Jebts left unpaU,” is a lie. Where is this surplus that is spoken of? We fail to Jiscover it. iu the finaucial statement of October 4th, it is stateJ that tbe cash ou hand P. S. Bank on that date, was $20,633.70. The notices of withJrawals amounted on the same Jate to $29,801. The treasnry halanee on the above Jate was $130,958,54. against whioh are the following Jebts, (that have been made public only.) Bills as of Sept. 1. $16,000 00 Dmlger contract ) 4H 000 00 Jue in December » AdJ the Crown land j rents whieh niostbe > 34,819 00 considereJ a Jebt) We have a total of..$98.819 00 whieh JeJocteJ from $130.958.54. leaves an appareut halanee of $32,139.54. Bnt we aro informeJ that $330.000 and Otld raore than the receipts have been expended. Where is the surplns? In au editorii! in its issue of the 3nl. of October. tbe AJvertiser informs tbe puhlie (no Joubt knowiug where of it spoke) that on that Jate the July bills were ordered paid; that a oro* vision for tbe paynsent of the Augnst bills whieh araounteJ to $14 1X15.84 had been made. Yet on the oih of October the Councils are inf«>rmeil that the ontstanJing bills of tbe JitTcrent bureans as of September lst. > &mounteil only to $16.000. DiJ ! the bills for July am>>nnt to only r2.000» We are verr mneh iuclined to think tfaat the weeklr financial sUtements are “patUed.” for the pnrpose of mtsrepresentation. We fiod that tbe U>ta) puhlie d«bl on the 31st of M«tcb. 1892. was $3 217.161.13. On the 5th of Joly. 1393. the Net lndebtednes» was On tbe 4th of Oetober, it amounted to $3.396,276.01, an increase of $118,449 - 61 in three months unJer tbe

| present form of goveroment. ! Wbere is the sarplos* The receipis for tfae year enJing Maieh 31st. 1893 were $1.331 019.15. For the year entling Marcb 31st 1894. taking the .\Jverti.se r’s figure» of thereceipts for j the first eight months of this ye*r , as a basis. tbe receipts will be $1.290.566,28. The sum off$l,j 2983173.79 has alreaJy beeu eXi penJed. AccorJing to those figares, th® treasmy wJ1 have to j go a begging for the next fonr | months. Where is thal sur- j j plus. What was tbe cost of the monarchy to the Ux-payeis? The amonnt appropriateJ by the la?t , Legisl«ture for the ‘*Civil List i for “two years,” was $62,999. i Tlie eost of the present Govern- | , ment t<> th- tax-payers, has lu i en ; $135,462.86 fob f.ioht moxths. ! That is the amounl knowu to the pnblic; what unpaU expenses there are is not known. The ; cost of this govenroent to the taxp.»vers, has l>een more than enough to support the monarcby for four years. Whero is that snrplus ’ Eeho, i answers “Non Est.”