Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 23, 13 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

“FAT BOY." 8AL00N I P. McOrEXXT. Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Bmiu Hotu. Sr«. The mosqaito has «tsrted stick the bilU annonoiug hl- farewell appearance for tho — Pkila>Ulphin Jones—I think my wife <roul<I make a first-rate meinber of Coc« gress. Jones’ Friend—Whv? Jones—Becanse she to!ks so early antl so Iong on the roonev qnestion.— I)ftroit Frtt Pres*. Thko. P. ?evekiv, A. W. Eolstkk. HAWAIIAN GALLERY. •M5T Xccasp Stbeet, H«»s«»Lnr. (Oppo. Qne*u Eaiou Hnili. Views ot' the īsland Coastactly on HanA such Nat>Tes Makinp Poi, Hoa«t HalalmU Dancen>, l\>coi»nnt tiror»> Street Vi«ws and HawaiUn Poio £ ,lmg Builo.mgs, Palm aud J)uU< Ōtoth War Vc«»ls, Shipping »ud Manne Views. Also, a I-arge Colleotion of all Piumioenl aud Interesting Views ot the Hawaiiaa IslanJ« oither monnted or ncmonnted. Amatenr Work Solidted. P.O. Box 498. Wife(fimling a gray hair) — I do so hate to grow o!d. Husband—Yon ean avoid that, my dear. W.—How? H.—Dye young. —Xetr York Pre*s. Fair Cnslomer— Is it true that milk is sonred by ligbtnii<g' Thooghtless Mlikman—No. l.y thunder. And to this day he doesn’t know why she tr.msferred her patronage to a rival d<Taler—Buffalo Courier. CITY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Qoeen Emma Hall. £stablisbed 1S83. J08. TINKER, FAMILT 53BŪTCHER Maker of the Cdebnitrd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbv Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of tbe City and Soburbs. Motaal TeIephon« Naml>er 2S0. HO YEN KEE i CO. f Tinsmitbs and deaters io Crockery vare. Gla.«ware. etc. Water Pipes Laid and Repaired, P5cmb»ag Sh{Jj Bwstod No. 41 Nooana 84.. between King and Hotel Siroeta, Asea Buildtng.