Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 25, 16 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

AYAST PROJECT COHSTAKT LISE JF SCHOOHĒPS ii|le Oj5:rtetT 6r ill' Owing to oar coDstaotlv in>’icasing atui Ui* gre*l liemmul of an »j>pn k cu»tir.i; c<'mmunity we liwe cor.• ciaded to oder an opporttinity to ail p*rt:e« h»Ting c«pital Oar LINE of SCHOONERS iusy b • seeu i.i:il‘tig ovi r ihe B.VII blled to their atmo>t c*rrying c«p c.tv v, ,th clear eool and invigorating F re <lericksb U , g , Bm Atthe "Anchor Saloon." To accoanuodate our Vast Fieet of Schotvner' ee haw bnilt a fine l;irge Kefrigen*tor regardle»> of ccst. Tlie fc "-^-rrclrcr," Is tbe onlv phiee where a Cool Olass of Frvdvricksburg Beer on draught ean be ha*i in Honolulu. Step fovward geutlemen. NoW S the Time. ocl4 3ta

Criterion Saioon PFR AUSTRALIA. i anothor luvoiceot the celebrateti JOHN WEILANO 1 * I EXTRA PALE LAGER BEER. Also, a Frbsii Invok k of California Ovsters FoB 0YSTER COCKTAILS L. H. DEE. Froprietor. “FAT BOY." BAY H0RSE $5? 8AL00N I P. M *IXKUNV, FKonuETQR. Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. I Corm» Brrn ;x *m> i NOTICE OF FORECI.OSURE OF MORTGAGE In Koinlia». *!h • pow«r oi nk ooot*in«d tn • oc-rUin »• n>*-W hv »ad bet*reen KAHALFIIOr 'J< Keanhoa, X. Kmi. I4knd uf Ilmii, of lht tir*l part, »n.t H. X. C«*tU, Tmrf«, oi Ilunolula, Uahn, oi :h* imin) put.j d*u«i M*rch 30th. A. D, l>*<t, aod kwW in the c< tbe Krv»tm ot Coir». _T*r>or», in Lber W, Fotiot '3t au i 255, aad awujfned by hiJ H. X. C«dr, TnuJ«. tn Xar..-r K. LĪoaw br ic,s»roownt d*t»i J«w I3th, A. D. lsSO. aad iworW in Liber 99. Fu5W» 254, «ad for hn*th vf Maditioa of lb* abo*e nt«nŪDned ni<’rtg»c* shrt>f >rr the of «id n*hereby gi*e» aoUoe tb.it ahe *riQ oarry inlo t(bti th*> «id fw»ft of «*i(, *ad Ihi! *f*<r the npmtj._>n of Ikiw *r»b fronj ihn d>te, thr premw> n»*otiaaed in aaid ns--rt«ag* *riO be .itd at pahlk asction «t the **ir*nx.-ai 4 L J LEVEY īa H«aoinhi *t K«'dwA Mvaof the 4th d*y ci D. IWIFor lanhw pMtK*hn mqxtr* of i L KAELUKOe. Attornry (or i XAXCY K UH L> A«*i*nee. Howiah, De»hir I4th, A D. IM. Pmwan de«hb«d ta the *bo*e imik> ed Bwne*ge. AB that mm» <A had *itMte *t Koeain. KapaUma. HoaahHn, Onha. betn* Apana I de*cr8)ed ta dced Ina K*j ihani.) and K*sp**h*J (i> K*h*kkun, aad recorded m th» ofiee A thr RegMtrnr «t Cob*vtmm«» m Lihei l.\ Puho 344. «nd cowt*tntW ae tmofdO'lW*cn. ‘4 3*