Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 25, 16 October 1893 — MISSIONARRIES. [ARTICLE]


Tbe right of Arueri«in 9ion*ri«6 to enter u-reign eoeit trie», txd to distorb fhe religui« aml peaee of tbo nationa L.u been a >]Q6stion rery maeb eoaall orer the worki The misstonaries have ol cours« ! elaimeii the rght and clotbeii their alleged privelege nntier the ii&me o/ Cbriatian doirSinee the time of the ormw>iera though till tho advent of Mtssionaries in Hawaii. the alieged iiaty has had a rather selfs>ii Havor,sonl-sa\ingh»Tincnot l>een mneh more im]x>rtant than gaining. We reprint aome very pithy remarkā whieh appeared in the S. F. Argcmant on th : s subject. *‘Among the varions argnmenta advanoed against the Jnineee Kegistration Act by the psendophilanthropists of the Eist is this; that it will result in tho return of Anterican Missionaries in Cbina. Well, what of it? There are onough hcathens in our own countty to engsgo the attention of countless M ; ssionaries, and we are not snro that Anteriea has any business to interfero in thi religions cOue«rns of other uations any roore lban tboy bave to interfere in onr». Thia jonm» al ha» never looked with mneh approvnl npon tho etforts of the Koman hierarchy to racddle with Aracrican nflairs. Corresj>ondinp!v. we see no jnstification for onr meddling with the roligion of tho Chinese. We think it wouKl l>e n goo<l thing for this coontr>' and for Cbina if the Aroerican raissionari€« there were to return and devote theros©lvcs to the saving of sools on their own soil. lt i» a queation in tho minds of most intoliigent men whether tbo American missiona in China have evcr aocotnplish< d anything. Money has been ex-v pcnded bv the hnndre<LH of thonsands of dollars, but the Chine;o souls save<l are few. Waiving the religioos qocstion, there ean be no donbt that, from the point of international coroity, the son<ling of raissionaries is an importinence, We comraend to tho attention of I oaiocrats the fo!lowing reraark by Thonaas Jetferson, the gr at apostle of Denoocracy: “I donot know that it is a daty to distarb by missionariesthe rel:gion and peaee of otber coontries, whomay thinktheroselve*boond to extingnish by fire an l fagot the ! heresies to*hicb wo give tbe • name of conversions. and qoote 1 our own euunple for il. Were the Pope or his holy aliies to send in mission to os «ome thoasands of Jesuit prieeis to convert os to their orthodoxy, 1 aaspect tbat we sboaid deem and treat it as a nalional aggreesion on onr peaee andfaith.”—TkomaiJcfrr»on. IV. 7. p. SS7. Tbere is good soand Amorieaniam in those words. Bat s:nce the davs of Jefferson, this countrv haa sent handretLi o( missionaries to distorb the religion and peaee of Oriental eoanlnes, and *he Pope haa sent thon-

sands of Jesoit pri«*U to distnrb tbe religion *nd pe«ce of the United AnJ ail of th» Jesnits &re OemoeniL-. We will >a]>p.emect the abovo statement with the fo!lowing Mission*ry Report whieh appean» in Judge and consequently must be correct: A MISS!ONABV RETORT Numberofmiasioa«nM*cnt oat s.000 Xon>t«er o( miasionanr« eam« b*ck 300 Sutcber ul mi»k>n«riM esten 7.300 Snmber of tncts di»tribated s,64.X90>),C<X) Samber o( he»th«n that promiard to attend cknrch "^>4,390,+++ Snmber o( beath«n th»t atiented 3 Amounl o( money still m trwu»ury —thirtTcents, (our car-«cVets, three *nspender bat$ons, oixd seTeatr-fiTe hundrsd wish boBM.