Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 25, 16 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

3nstnr$* fards HAKRISON BROS.. CONTRACTOKS AXD HL* 1LD Ei:S, 208 Fort St., Honolala. THOMAS UNDSAY. Mann/aduring and Watckmaker, Mdn«rny Block, 405 Port St., Honoiulo. MERCHANT S EXCHA5GE, S. I. 8HAW, Pkopkieīok. CHOICE LIQUORS and F1SE BEER. Corner of King and Nuuann Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolala, G. W. BACFABLA5E 100., Iraporters & Commission MERCHANTS, Honolalu, - Hawaiian Islands CIufc |5tafcles Go,, S. F. OHAHAM, M*a*g«T. JLiivery, Keed and Sale Stable«, Fort Stroet, between Hotel and Beretania. Both Telt>]>ho&«« No. 477 ... t' 7‘7 r * Ccnnectsd With $tand, Corner King A Betbel Sts. Both Telephones No. 113. Chas. T. (hliek NOTARY public For the Island of Oahu. Agent to lake Acknowle<lg[neiits to Labor Contract«. Agent to Grant Mnrriage Lieenses, Honoluln, Oahn. Agent for the Haw'n Islands of Pitt A Scott s Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Burlington Ronte. M Estate Broksr and Oeneial Agent. Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHAXT Street, Honoinlu, H. I. CHOCK LOOK. MERCHANT TAILOH. No. 321 Naa«nn Stn'e», ALLSUiTS GUARASTEBD T0 F1T, arul MADE in iht BESTSTYLE. CLOTHES CLE.\NED and REPAIRED. Wing Mow Chan, IXPOBTEBS AND Coramission Merchants DEALEBS IX China and Japan Tea. Provisions, Maniia Cigar». | GROCERLES, SILKS. MATTtSG, Camphor Wood Trunks. Ratian Chaiis. etc., eie. 304 King St,. Hoeolala. P. O. I Box No. 180. MntoaI Tel. So. 78. »