Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 25, 16 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

fcfnfral H. F. BERTELMANX. j COXTBACTOR AXD EIILPEK. 86 King Sfe., Bell Telepboue 107. ■ CHAS. MOLTENO. -tnr TONSORIAL ABTrsr, | No. 511 King "Street, Honoiula, j H. I. Oive me a tri*l. H. LOSE, Public. Collector and General Bu.nness Agcnt. Muluai T«lrpboD« P. O. Box .US. Mcrohact #lnws, Hooolaio. Theo. P. Spmis, A. W. Bou«m. ALOHA GALLERY 513 Fost Srkr.sr, Hosouxr. (Cp-,tain.) Portraits & Landscapes Finest Collectioa of Hawmiin Vicws, P. O. Bot 498. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! IB xV JC E H Y AMD IceCream ParIors F. HORN, Pkopbietor. PRACTICAL • Coūfi*ftioiiep i Ornamentep In all hmnohea of the bnsiness on theee islands. I AMEI’IOAN. french, enoLISH A-\D GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-dav CAK.ES i Miule of the ven>- best material, unsarpas.setl in richness of qaality and ornamenteil in nnapproachable stvle. ai lower prices tban any other estabhshment in Honolulu. Family \ FanciJ B?ead } Gaava Jelly, Preserveil Tamanuds aod Tamarind Syrup. ALL C0NFECTI0NERY Manufactured at my Establishmeni are Gnaranteed t > be P<«mvu.ī PmE and sold at peieea no other estab!isbment ean eompeie with. FACTORY t STORE, No. 71 Hotel Stbeet, Between Nuuanu and Fort Streete B0TH TLL£PHOXFS So. Tfe