Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 25, 16 October 1893 — PRINCESS KAIULANI. [ARTICLE]


To <1 iv. i» tbe eighteenth aunirersan of H. II. H. rriucess Tictt>ria K iul.'ioi. S»»l are the thoog!»t.s with whieh the loy»l Haw. ii;»ns t'»-<lsy reroeiol>er their ] vonnp *lii «lone in the lar »wiy lsn»l The s**re tri*iH whieh have {allen oo the h?a<ls of h«r roval annt. l»er bt*lovo«3 f «ther r. nd her faituful peot>!e, h;»ve ma»ie this tla\ whieh «hould have boen one of univers.il joy ao<i puhlie eelebratiou aiieni anJ stilL But wheu the Il;»\»'».i*ns hail the voung I’rinceas with their earnest j»rayers for ber wellfare, and their IwhI wishes fer raany aml happy roturns of the d.»y, rt is with the firm hopo in their hearts, that on tho next lfith of Oclober, the Prinoess wili be iu her own eountry, Rurrouuded by her august relatiuns aml kiud frien»ls. in her j»roper poe iion, aml that Hawaii will be free onee raore. May kiu»llv brucze.s carry to the alii Haw:»ii’s siucore—Aloha Oe.