Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 25, 16 October 1893 — A Naval Court. [ARTICLE]

A Naval Court.

H. B. M s Minist«»r Kesūlent and t'onsul General, bas eonrened .1 N«val Court. to investigate into tho causes of the standinp of tt»o l*»ritish steamship Miowera. The Court met at 10 o'eloek this forenoon. The Minister is the President of the Court. Captain H. W. Mist, (». Doupias Freeth Es<|. and C«ptain J. P«rray of the baik “coonty of Merioneth" are memhers of the Court. Major James W. lloberts«.'u is the clerk of the Court. Tue Advertiser is wn»np in sUtine this momīnp that th~ Queeu is gi\ ing « luau aud hookupu in hon«-»r of l*rincess Kaiulani'a birthd*y to d*T. A luao wiil be given by Uie Lihn >ic«ii>ni Kd>ic«tiona) 8ociely. Mr. Charles Betts an old employee of the SpreckcI«Tiile p!anUlion w »s f»uud >lronned uear tbe be«d ar«t*rs of the gre«t Spreckels ditch of wh;ch .ie had bceo the euperintendeot f>r many ye*rm. Tht*jury's rerd!Cl »*s accider.ul drv»«nīng. Tbe deceased wbo aa» farv»rihly known on Maui auffered frum he*rt desea»e «hieh probab!y was tb« cau$e of his ead end. Tue steamen> Ci«adme, Iwalani. Waialeale and Ja». M«kee, ar« up to le«T* on their rwpectsTe rootee t ?Diorrow alternoon.