Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 28, 19 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

AVAST PROJECT C05STAWT LIWE 0F SCHuOSERS - Aipie ffr ALl Owmg to onr con>tAtt!v increasic;c »*ss aiui the grcat .vamr.il of an apprpciating c>'mtsoait\. \rr harc eonelmUnl to otfer an opportm:ty to ali p&rti«*s i artmr eapihkl Oar UiNh of S( HOOM.KS hmv !»■ «• r p! . ag over Ihe BAR HIUhI to their atnii >t rarr\iag eap-e t\ v .th clear eool aml invigoratin" Fredericksburg t j AftTTT? T5Tn?T? Export * tihhSX At the ik Anclior Saloon/‘ To aoeoainuulale oor N »-t > u *t of S -ho« ners n> I i\ i bnilt a fine larpe Refrigemtor r»'gar\Uess of f,»t. Tlie “.^neiie::," Is the on!y plaee where a Cool Gkss of Fmlericksbnr4 Beer on iln»upbt ean Ih> hiul in Honolalu. Stei> forward gentlemen. Nf)W s tbe Time. ck’1 1 ;bn

i 0*2oo Eewai*d. The above rewanl will be paid to any one g«vmg information lea«.ling to tbe amst anil conviction of the party or parties guilty of tbe mnnler of Dan Hung Moy (a male Chinese), at Honeae, Ews Oahu, Satuniay uight. the 14th inst. Honolulu, Oot. 18. 1893, oct!'' otfer the pubhc for the amouut given above for the arrest of the partv. W OSG KWAI, fres. Unite<l Chinese Society, oc!8 Iw ?sotice. W'hereas, Jos. Paakaula having resigned as Agent for me. there fore, notice is hereby given to all persons holding leases of all of my lands, to make payments of rent to me personally at the times agreed upon at Kaalaa, Honoluln. POMAIKELANI. Kaalaa. Honolulu, Oct. It3, 1893. ocl7 lw Theo. P. 8evesiv. a. W. L<»i>ter. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 Ni CA\r Street, H«>noi.clc, (Oppo..Qtie«rc Enmu Views of the Islancl Constac'.lv on Haial. sucb Natives MaVing Poi, Grass Hons«-* Hnlahnia Dancers, Cocvrannt Oiwea 8treet Views and llawaiian Stylc Ri<ling Bnildings, Palm and D«tc Grov«« War Vcs*els, Shipping and Haiine Vicws. Alao, a Large Collection of all Promicent acd Inleresting Vlew» o( tbe Hawanan Lslands either nionnted or cnmoanted. Amatenr Work S«!icit*d. P.O. Box 498. SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, UONOLOLU. Fiist-CIass Accommodation for Toarists and Islaod Goests. SUPER/OR BATHMG FAC/UTIēS, Prirate Cottages fbr FamilkS. T. A. SiMPSON. oct9 Manager. WIN6 WO TAi & Co.. No. 214 Naoaan 8trc*t, COMMlSSION MERCHANTS, laiponen itd Dc*kn ta Gt'.VL MERCHASDIS£. Fine Manila Cigare, Chinese and Japaneso C rock’ ryware, Mattings, V*ses of aīl kinds. Camphor»ood Trnnks. Battan Chai», a Fine Asaortraent of Dreee Silks, Best Brands of Ohineae and Japene«o Teas of Latest lmport«tions. Inspeetion of New Goods Kespectfuliv Solicited. Matoal T«L 266, P. O. Box 158.

L. H. DEE. Jobbt>r of Spirife iiikI Beers HOTEL ST.. Between Fort and Bethel Street& OHEAP FUEL I Algerol>a Pirewood $9.00 per Cord Delivered. ! Wiū JNO. F. COLBFRN & CO. •eW Im CHAS. (iIRDI.FR. Importer :nul Commisf?ion Meix:hant. SPECULTIES; J. P. Costa' Maehine Thiea«l Joaas Brock»’ Ma<rbic« Tbre*d B*rboort Liuen Thn*»J P«*r»' Soaj) P. O. Box .IVS, Mataal Tel«pboae 13 Kaahnaia&a Stn«i JUST ARRIVED, q q Baby Camages OF ALL STYLE8, Carpets, Rugs, Mats IX THE LATEST PATTERX8. m householdSewing Machines Haxd Sewixg Machtx», VtT AU Wītb tba laiwt I*pnr««MaiiN) PABLOR Organs, Guitars» Aad Olhn Moaual IaatnuMata. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAISOX HAXD, AXD FOR SAUE BY ED. 90IT8CHLiEG£R i Ca Kiag 8A. oppo. CM«ia * Coo)