Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 29, 20 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LEWIS & Co. Whoiesaie and Retail 6rocers AXD [PEOVISION DE.\LERS. FRESfl CiLIFORflU SAL«OX 09 ICB Br Er*n PnuKMo SinuBK. 8alt Salmon rv Barrki s a SracuLTT. nr /vt t Sf., //(•■*;Tr/. P. O. />(*.t W.S. LUCE x 1 Wine aiul Mei'eiuml CampbtU Ft r*-proof IUoek, MERCHANT ST HONOLUL17 H. MAY & Tea Oea!ers f Coffee Roaster8 0 Provision Merchants 98 Fort Stivet. - Houoluin Families. Plautations aml Sbipa supplietl with ohoicest Ku r*>i*a n *i' A menea n Groceries California Pnxlnee by Eveiy Steamor. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. 9 Tbls First-class Bnthing Eesort bas been enlargc<l aml is nuw open to tfce nohlie. It i« the best plaoe oi .be Ulamla to enjoy a bath eael there is no l>ettor plaee to lay otF. Special aeeomniotla'.:ous »or Latlies. Tramcars pa s Ihe door every balf bourantl on Sainrtlays antl Sumlays every fiiteeu miuutes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. NAĪIŪNAl IR0N W0RKS, Qcns Strfxt. Between Alakea X Uū-hanl Sts. THE OTEKS!(iXED ar« 5 rep*r>d U> B»ke nll kuuin oi Ir»n Bnw. Browe. Ziac. Tīn ud Lnd C«»Uiic«. Alw 4 Oeneml Rrpnir Sf>.p (or Su*m Eogiiie*, Kiee MilU, Corn MiiU Wrtr WM>. Wi»l Miīl*. ftc, Mnch»n«e for tbe CV*cic({ ot C<.ffre, Cm*ot Oila, Bmhs. lUmn, S«nJ, Pinenppie Lmt«» k other Fihroq« PUoU, And P»p*r 8(ock AJeo Mnehinee for Extncisn$ Starch froa tbe Mnaioe, Am» Boot, «te. AH Oniew pronrpUj *ttended :o. WHITE, RITMAN « CO. WING W0 & C0„ Mauufactarers and Dealers in Ladie«s , Gents’ A Cbildren * Boo^J|o8^^Bite^ No. 35. Honolnlo, Nuuann O. Bos 196 Boots and Shoes made to order in Best Stt Je. »t Wholeaaln and Eeiail Pric«e,