Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 29, 21 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Foreign Mail Serrice. Si«miB6hips wiil kw an<i «rr-Tf from 6an Fritu',*co, oa tb* fo4Io«:n|: ŪU tbc ekwe of Lun 0ov3tnr Dc* -»t Bskmu ros &\n FU>crco. Fb. >-1' F»wwd Omeie- Srrt. O Ahiomia, SrtW ; (ct V*b- A«*!iiiu 'Vt . ,vatrr OM. 2 Oo*«mc . <Vt. IT A»tl**lie ...OeiUMwnn. frvcj V*aMono«ai Oet 19 cwbw tVt. 3 W»mas -.<, for V*b- ManrvM ... AVt 35 (noter N >t, 1 Ao*ml » Vot. 4 Chin* St>r. « Moeotrw .. Sof. S Ao-t.-a)ia N ■ n W«rin» «o. V»n* ĀUa»c<U N. v W omw N it. 23 Miowttx fot V»B. CkiM...... Not. j Cv'QTTT DK- - Ao«SralU IVc. 2 Oonuūe... - 1 < 5 4Dtih.... Dtt, -i A istrali* Dtt. 5 Mk-im, fruts V*nM*np»*».... Dre W «mw IHe. 23 W»rr.ni <o, for V«n- Oewwe D« * o.arer J*n. ! Atutr*li*. !>«. 30 Ci»v !Vkmc J*n. 2 \V*mns.». fr, m \ »aAnstr*lia 4«n. 6 cout?t J*u- 23 Wammoo, fr>ni \ ao-conT<-r.. ,Sept 23 fxōm tli* Watn-ff0nt Arrivals. Stmr Kinan, CWVr, fp'm M*ui »n ! H*w-*ti. S:mr. J,.m- Makee. Hislm<l fr>m K.pw*. S;mr Mokolii, Mcflwfp>r. fn>m Molokai Stmr Kaal*. l«ahtn. £orm Wuianae, W aialaa. Kihnkn an>) Punalnn. Departures. Am bk Cev!on C*lhoun. for S*n Francisco Oer 1>V Paui Is«nbrrg, Bp t. for San Fr*nci*co. Vessels in Port. CSS Ad»ms Nehon. u S S PhiUuklphia, Parker. H«w Hk An<ltvw, Woleh. t!cr Bk -I. C. Pflnsfer. Hr sch Nomia, k’okohe.ma. Br sh Co o( Mehonelh S. N. W. Ara bk s N Castle, Hnbbarl S F Am sh Trsnstt, Jolig«;nsec, SF. Am sh Robert Lewer«, A«v«odman, P T.

Foreign Vessels Kxpected. fTbis List does not Inclnde St.'*mer»j vessel3. when? (rom. doe. Am l>k H«rvester S F (Hilol..Ang 21 Am shr Alohn S F ° Hs« bk B P Rithat.... SF Oct — Aui W Q lrwin S F — Am »ctirt«lend*le... Enrek» Oct ‘.a Am sciir Allen A Enrek» Oct 1 r S rniser Charle»U>n.. Oct — Aiu bk >Lirtb» Dsvw—Boston Dn‘ 20 Uerbk Nanulni Liverpo»l Dec 9* Br schr Villata Liverpool dau 10 LOCAL NEWS. Band nt Emiuu S<iaare this afternoon. 0wing to ili bea!th Mr. R>>bert Lmio Stevenson i* pr> vented fr>mi giving hia promi9»<l lectnro at the Y M. C- A. hall lhi9 afternoon. The Advertisor inforni9 its reailers this morning, that a “PabJic Mooalight Concert” will be giveu at E'uma Stjuare this afterno*.m at 4:30 o eloek. Bv tbe w.iy, rea<ling about opinm. brings to miu*i the fact, tbat tbe Port Surveyt>r lias not been rej>orte<l as li.iring made auy se.zures for aome time. Th« steamer Kmau br >ught the fihowiug fre ; ght: 13 bvgs* Wool t*» H. K»ekfHd * Co.. 116 b«gs b>n»s to A F. Cooke. 1! B<l!s Hid<*s to J. T. \Va»erh*> i«e; 13 p : gs. •A>3 b*g-< S;»nd« a id 7 b<g< ?onilre< u» S<.iudry ad The follow;ng ps»ssengers arrived this tnorniug on the ,«teamer Kinau frotn Hawaii tbd Maoi: Mre. W«tson and 3 cb»ldren. Anaeiia Victor. Foroya. T. N»kayama. R lTere. W. G. W.»lker, j. H. Tbom w fe ao*l 3 chl»dren, A R>b.tck, Mre. W Foster. Mre. C. P. lankea and d4Ugbter, George Koeh, Dr. W. L Moore and wife. Mp», E. C Dioa<m and i chtldren. Mre C. F. Phelpe, C. J Falk. H- Ooiman. Mre. Rockford and cbdd. J- Caoningham. Capt. J. C*iopbefl aad 78 deck pasaengere