Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 32, 24 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LEWIS 4 Co, WWmk and Retail Gracers XXV lPROVISION DEALKBS. FR£SH CAUFORHU SALMON ONIC1 Bj Et«tt 8m FneoM> SkuHr Salt Sauiox ix Barrsls X SPtI lALTT /// Fort Sf., Hhw/m/m. Tel. 140. P. O. B»x nj7W. S. LUCE 3 q q 'Wine aiul Spirit Merchmit CampMl Fire-proof Blodc, MEKCHANT ST. UONOLULU H. MAY & Tea Oealers, Coffee Roasters £ Provision Merchants 98 F«rt Street. . - Uonolola Pamiliee, Plantations aud Shij>s supplied with choicest Euiwpean & Amenean Grocrries C»lifornia Prodoce by Every St*?amer. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-class Bathing R«sort has been enlarged and is now open to the pnhlie. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. Special aeoommodations for Ladies. Tramcars j>ass the door every half bour an«l on Satunh»ys and Sunday» oven* fifteon minntes. j JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. NAĪIONALIR0N W0RKS, QrEF.N Street, Between Alakea vV Kiohanl Sts. THE CXT>ERSIfi>TED m pwy>wl to »11 kie !» at Ir*n Bmv, Bn>nae, 7aoc. Tīa iad Lnd CutiB|a. Ako » G«vnl R<n*ur Skoo <or Hieam Exuom», Rk« Corn MiIU, W«ter WWK Wmd MiIK rtr. 1 MmMmi fawt ihe CWn»ng ot Cogf. CM(ar Oik, Bmum, Bmbm. Piamppk Lmtm k otkr Fibrorw PUaU. Aixl r«f»r Stock Ako Mnehi&M for Extr»rtU£ 8tarch (imi tk Uauoe. Amrr Boot. *tc. ty Aū Onkm pwflly «Um-.M 10 WHITE, RITMAN <5t CO. WING WO A C0., Manuf*etnrer» and Dealers in Ladies’, Gents <k Childrcn’s K°. 35, W/Ēl Honolnlu. Nuuanu Streetf wtP O. Box 198 Boot» and Shoe* made to order in Best St»le. at Wholesale .\nd KeUil Price*>.