Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 35, 28 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MAEINE ĪNSURANCE. Xī( Uxi)KRHi<iSBD 1$ autl»onz».<l to tskc Minne Kisks os 1 lulls, Cariroes, F , reights anel Cornmissions, ,t i rr> nt l‘aU-s in the following Comj*anies. viz; ji< /iv . lsj*urnnce Fire $ Marine, - Lomlon \r - ium of Jfndgelmrg Gen f L Ins. Co. Sun hiMimnee Co., - - Snn Francisco .1. N. MALKKĪl, tor Hawanan LslautLs Tki.ei*hoxf> : Re8IDF.xce ; 351. Mutual 410. Muianl 417. P.O. Box 117. E. B. THOMAS, J |J I I | I DhAT | L' I BR1m lK J \ 11 Hl- Iw1 | jwiHi uB_CS j l Contractor 'd Builder Kstimates Given on A.11 Kinds 0F miL m. W«VNMi MILDK All Kinds of Jobb»ng in the Building Tradc, Attended to. KEEP8 FOR SALE: Brick, Lime, Ceraent, Iron Stone Pipe »nd Fittings, Ohl A* New Corrngatea lron, Minton Tiies, tjuarrv Ti!es, assorted sizes aud colors; Califoinia and Monterey Sand. Granite Curbing ami Blocks, etc.. etc. ( Corner King <fl Smith Sts. 0FFICE tft YARD; Office Hours. 8to la M., ( ito4P. M. Holomua ♦ Publishing ♦ Co., PUBLISHERS OF THE “ HAWAII ♦ ♦ holomua; A Jonrnal i»»ued Daily, (Sunday excepted) In the EDgiish langnage. and pledged in poiicvto snpport <he Rjc.hts *xd Pbivile«es of the Hawaiiax Peoplk. the biterests of t he Uboring meo. and good and hooest Gorern9*ni for the wh.de eonntry. JOB PRINTERS AU Books *mi Job Pntxrrxo neatly executed at short noiiee ' *od at moderale figares. P.ILL HEADS. CARDS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS. ete.. Fiaished in Fir»t-CU«» rtyle. . laland Orders solk’ited aod prompUy atteeded to. (h ne* • Thomt»s‘ Bloci. King Streei. Honoiuio, H. I.