Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 November 1893 — Miowera to be Replaced. [ARTICLE]

Miowera to be Replaced.

A Larger Steai»er C’hartered to Leave Australia Next Month. Loxdon, Oetober 27,—The Times annonnces tbat the steamer Miowera. whieh is stranded at the mouth ©f Honolulu harbor, will be temporarily repaired at that port. The steamer Arawa, now at Sea Island, has been chartered and will leave Sydney, November 18th, so that ouly one voyage between Vancouver and Austra1 ia, as a result of a m!shap to the Miowera, will be missed. The chartering of the Arawa was a bold step as the vessel is larger than required for the purpt>se at present. Bnt trading prospects on the ronte ar-> regarded as f.ivorable enon§h to justify the arrangements to raeet . a further expansion of j trade, whieh is expected before a year and a half, and for whieh the vessel cbartered will be used. ; The Arawa ean carry 30.000 car- ' casses of auituals, in additiou | j to the other pnxluce, in its freezing chambers. An immediate j opportunitj* is thus ot!ered for a ; large trade in meat and dairy produce from Anstralia, and in aalmon and other products from Canada. A forther important develop- . ment in the future of the steam- | ers of tfais line is tfaat, beginning • wiib the Anra , they viil eall a t

Fiji in addition to Honolulu. This is greatly due to the efForts of the Governor of Fiji. The Times, in concIusion, says it hopes that the decision of the authorities of Fiji, whieh is a Crown colony, will have weight with the home Government to give hnaneial snpport to tho Pacific cable.