Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 November 1893 — The Hawaiian Islands to America. [ARTICLE]

The Hawaiian Islands to America.

\V e \roaJil l»e unto thee mameii Thoa Rre*f au.I glorious nulion L«n 1 of the free !»ud brave. At ieast, ’tis said, that aouie Of thy fair uff<|>ring long for thee. What canst thon boast of? That we abould wed with thce. Wherein should we bo benefitted? Better gOTemuient dost thou say ? tio to, we will not hear of it ’Ti» uowhere to be fonnd In all thy great aud glorious vastne*» Tis trne that houeal mlers here Are rare aa heu'e teeth are; Y«t chanty, they say, begins at hoaie, Aud ere you eome to theae fair ialea To teach us to be both gcod aud wiae, Have less of those vam strikes Whieh set the very waves in motion Until the loud noise thereuf Doth reach our distaut shores. Out of thy great and tuassive brain lnvent some plan by whieh Yon may hare fewer millionaiiea, Aud trampe may not be seen 80 freqnent upon thy fair shores. Where neer so few of thy dear subjecta In danger iu eome foreign land. With Edison’s sbarp tongue wouldst thou eali And thy great oommauders oue and all Would maiwhall forth their gatling guns Aud the stars wonld bliudly blink. The pmu 1 stri}-es wouh) grandly wave Uutil thy people 'gain tbink of thee As of a great and watchfnl father, Yet tbere are many humau valtnres Whieh do prey upon thy people Kxturt great u»ury from thy farmen Uutil tbeir very souls aie fast In their long and grevdy talons. And yet the days go ou, and weeks do ooine Aud the mouths crecp slowly by. For all thou sittest in state In Cougress ua!I, and SetiHte cuamb*r And Ulk, and talk, ani Ulk. Until the very mnlee do laugh That ruam on vast Kansas (Uams While si’.v»r do*t eugage thy tongue Or more perha|« iU si»ter gold. As if thy people lived on these. tiive us work! gire u» work! they vainly crr And yet the while, they s!owly die. Yet d »t thou eome to this fair Und And offcr usjsuch fnedom Free<lon{ lonoolh ? thon knoweat not tbe mord Thangh 'tis iu thy Constitntion fii«ly fised Alway» to be aael on sta'e oeeaaiona. Leave us al >ne, with all onr f»nlts. We are uot half so vi'e as thou, Our bttl« tr»ubles are better rigLted By th ae w.' ehooae to right tbem. Atd li oe will sareiy make us iike tbe«; We alrvady inwe our trnsl ol' beef. And eom au l whoat w ill qnt< kly folk>w Uuui >ur Terv hves will vet depend On ho.ae oi these gt«at trasts. 0 And like ihee, our dollars well engrav6 •'Iu ltod *nd Tmsts* well lire ot di«' So. no, dear Sem we muet dedine To y>in in uiatr.ittouy with tbee We Ihauk thee !-.«• UĪe offer g. v«?n Onr u good eaongh tcr us Haws ii.