Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 43, 7 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.wa.ii HOLOM^PUBLISHED Every Aftemoon EXCEPT SUXD.U' BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At Kin" St. (Tbomas hloek), Honoluln, K. I. SIJBSCBIPTION, per 50 0:3. The p*5>er is de!irered by Carrier» in the iown and stiburl>«. Copies f -r Sale at the Nevs Dealers aud at the Office of pnblication. ABRAHAV FēR\ANDEZ, ■ Manager EOUUHO NORRIĒ, ■ ■ Editor X()TICE. All l>nsiness Cotnmurleatiout> shonld be addres»ed to Abrahau> Femandez, Honoluln, H. I. C irrespondence nnd C»miir.nnicatk>n.s for |>nblication shonld be nddre*setl to the E>litor ilnwaii Holomna. No nmiee will be paid to auy anouymons comuiuaications. Theo. P. J*EvtKi\. A.W. Eolstek. HAWAilAN GALLERY, ■4t>7 Nt tant Stkeet, Hunoli’Lu, (Opjio. Queen Euiuu Hall). \’iews of tlie Xsland Constamlr on Huud, snch as Nativea Making Poi, Grass Houscs Hulahula Dancers, Cocoannt Groves street Views and Ilawaiian Style Riding Hnil liogs, Palm and Date Groves \Var Vessels, Shii>ping and Mariue Views. Also, a Ij»rge Collection of ai! Proniincnt and Interesting Views of the Hawaiiau lslauds either mounted or nnmonnted. Amatenr Work S*licited. P.O. Box 49S. OHEAP FUEL .Ki ‘esli Algeroba Firewood $9.00 per Cord Delivered. JNO. F. COLBURN & CO. seL’ō ‘Jm BeU Tclophonc 5SI. Post Office Box 32. W.W. WRIGHT&SON & Camaie d hm Baiiders u u Ix Au. Its Bra5chxs. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. 79 and 80 King St., Honolalu Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST,^ Corncr of Kisg aad Bethel 8t» , Uj«st»ir» Eninuiee on King Street. Offick Homs—Frora 9 a.m. t< 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sundayt excepted.